* Copyright (c) 2021-2023 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Export stdpp.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bool.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list_numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.gmap.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.fin_sets.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.axioms.funext.
#[local] Open Scope N_scope.
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Export stdpp.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bool.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list_numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.gmap.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.fin_sets.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.axioms.funext.
#[local] Open Scope N_scope.
Extensions of stdpp.finite, especially for variants:
From the Finite typeclass, like from Haskell's Enum, one can generate
conversion to and from N, both for individual elements and bitsets of them.
Enable bidirectional typechecking for decode_fin
Let simpl/cbn not unfold enum, to avoid bloating goals.
Concrete computations can use decision procedures vm_decide or normalization
#[global] Arguments enum : simpl never.
Section fin_fun_eq_dec.
Context `{Finite A} `{EqDecision B}.
Implicit Types (f g : A -> B).
#[global, refine] Instance fin_fun_eq_dec : EqDecision (A -> B) := fun r1 r2 =>
cast_if (decide (∀ n, r1 n = r2 n)).
Proof using Type*.
abstract by funext.
abstract by intros ?; subst.
(* Thanks to Hedberg's theorem (stdpp.proof_irrel.eq_pi) and its corollary
stdpp.decidable.decide_True_pi, the above use of functional_extensionality
is proof-irrelevant. *)
#[local] Instance fin_fun_eq_pi f g : ProofIrrel (f = g).
Proof. apply _. Abort.
(* Examples using proof irrelevance for functions with finite domains. *)
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_decide_True_pi f g (E : f = g) :
decide (f = g) = left E.
Proof. apply decide_True_pi. Abort.
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_eq_refl f :
decide (f = f) = left eq_refl.
Proof. apply decide_True_pi. Abort.
Import EqNotations.
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_eq_refl_transport f g (E : f = g) :
rew [λ f', {f' = g} + {f' ≠ g}] E in decide (f = g) = left eq_refl.
Proof. rewrite decide_True_pi. by destruct E. Abort.
End fin_fun_eq_dec.
Section fin_fun_eq_dec.
Context `{Finite A} `{EqDecision B}.
Implicit Types (f g : A -> B).
#[global, refine] Instance fin_fun_eq_dec : EqDecision (A -> B) := fun r1 r2 =>
cast_if (decide (∀ n, r1 n = r2 n)).
Proof using Type*.
abstract by funext.
abstract by intros ?; subst.
(* Thanks to Hedberg's theorem (stdpp.proof_irrel.eq_pi) and its corollary
stdpp.decidable.decide_True_pi, the above use of functional_extensionality
is proof-irrelevant. *)
#[local] Instance fin_fun_eq_pi f g : ProofIrrel (f = g).
Proof. apply _. Abort.
(* Examples using proof irrelevance for functions with finite domains. *)
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_decide_True_pi f g (E : f = g) :
decide (f = g) = left E.
Proof. apply decide_True_pi. Abort.
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_eq_refl f :
decide (f = f) = left eq_refl.
Proof. apply decide_True_pi. Abort.
Import EqNotations.
#[local] Lemma fin_fun_eq_refl_transport f g (E : f = g) :
rew [λ f', {f' = g} + {f' ≠ g}] E in decide (f = g) = left eq_refl.
Proof. rewrite decide_True_pi. by destruct E. Abort.
End fin_fun_eq_dec.
Rewriting-oriented variant of elem_of_enum; inspired by elem_of_top.
Lemma elem_of_enum' `{Finite A} (x : A) :
x ∈ enum A ↔ True.
Proof. naive_solver eauto using elem_of_enum. Qed.
(* To upstream. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_enum `{Finite A} (x : A) :
SetUnfoldElemOf x (enum A) True.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite elem_of_enum'. Qed.
Lemma subset_of_enum `{Finite A} xs :
xs ⊆ enum A.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_enum `{Finite A} `{∀ x, Decision (P x)} (a : A) :
a ∈ filter P (enum A) ↔ P a.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_find_enum_total `{Finite A} (a : A) :
is_Some (list_find (a =.) (enum A)).
Proof. apply (list_find_elem_of _ _ a) => //. set_solver. Qed.
(* stdlib adapters *)
Section finite_stdlib.
Context `{Finite A}.
Lemma ListNoDup_enum : List.NoDup (enum A).
Proof. apply NoDup_ListNoDup, NoDup_enum. Qed.
Lemma list_In_enum x : In x (enum A).
Proof. apply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_enum. Qed.
End finite_stdlib.
Section finite_preimage.
Context `{Finite A} `{EqDecision B}.
Implicit Types (a : A) (b : B) (f : A → B).
Definition finite_preimage f b : list A := filter (λ a, f a = b) (enum A).
Lemma elem_of_finite_preimage f a b :
a ∈ finite_preimage f b ↔ f a = b.
Proof. apply: elem_of_filter_enum. Qed.
x ∈ enum A ↔ True.
Proof. naive_solver eauto using elem_of_enum. Qed.
(* To upstream. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_enum `{Finite A} (x : A) :
SetUnfoldElemOf x (enum A) True.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite elem_of_enum'. Qed.
Lemma subset_of_enum `{Finite A} xs :
xs ⊆ enum A.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_enum `{Finite A} `{∀ x, Decision (P x)} (a : A) :
a ∈ filter P (enum A) ↔ P a.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_find_enum_total `{Finite A} (a : A) :
is_Some (list_find (a =.) (enum A)).
Proof. apply (list_find_elem_of _ _ a) => //. set_solver. Qed.
(* stdlib adapters *)
Section finite_stdlib.
Context `{Finite A}.
Lemma ListNoDup_enum : List.NoDup (enum A).
Proof. apply NoDup_ListNoDup, NoDup_enum. Qed.
Lemma list_In_enum x : In x (enum A).
Proof. apply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_enum. Qed.
End finite_stdlib.
Section finite_preimage.
Context `{Finite A} `{EqDecision B}.
Implicit Types (a : A) (b : B) (f : A → B).
Definition finite_preimage f b : list A := filter (λ a, f a = b) (enum A).
Lemma elem_of_finite_preimage f a b :
a ∈ finite_preimage f b ↔ f a = b.
Proof. apply: elem_of_filter_enum. Qed.
Teach set_solver to use elem_of_finite_preimage!
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_preimage f a b P :
SetUnfold (f a = b) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf a (finite_preimage f b) P.
Proof. split. rewrite elem_of_finite_preimage. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_inj_singleton `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage f (f a) = [a].
apply list_singleton_eq_ext. { apply NoDup_filter, NoDup_enum. }
Definition finite_inverse f b : option A := head $ finite_preimage f b.
Lemma finite_inverse_Some_inv f a b :
finite_inverse f b = Some a → f a = b.
Proof. intros Hof%head_Some_elem_of. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_inverse_is_Some f a b :
f a = b → is_Some (finite_inverse f b).
intros Heq%elem_of_finite_preimage%elem_of_not_nil.
exact /head_is_Some.
Lemma finite_inverse_None_equiv f b :
finite_inverse f b = None ↔ ¬(∃ a, f a = b).
rewrite eq_None_not_Some. f_equiv.
split. { intros [a ?%finite_inverse_Some_inv]. by exists a. }
by intros [a ?%finite_inverse_is_Some].
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_inverse_None f b P :
(∀ a, SetUnfold (f a = b) (P a)) →
SetUnfold (finite_inverse f b = None) (¬ (∃ a, P a)).
Proof. constructor. rewrite finite_inverse_None_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
Section finite_preimage_inj.
Context `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq f}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma finite_inverse_inj_cancel a :
finite_inverse f (f a) = Some a.
Proof. by rewrite /finite_inverse finite_preimage_inj_singleton. Qed.
Lemma finite_inverse_inj_Some_equiv a b :
finite_inverse f b = Some a ↔ f a = b.
naive_solver eauto using finite_inverse_Some_inv, finite_inverse_inj_cancel.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_inverse_inj_Some a b P :
SetUnfold (f a = b) P →
SetUnfold (finite_inverse f b = Some a) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite finite_inverse_inj_Some_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
End finite_preimage_inj.
End finite_preimage.
Section finite_preimage_set.
Context `{FinSet A C} `{FinSet B D}.
Context `{!Finite A}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (a : A) (b : B) (f : A → B) (bs : D).
Definition finite_preimage_set (f : A → B) (bs : D) : C :=
set_concat_map (finite_preimage f) bs.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_empty f :
finite_preimage_set f ∅ ≡ ∅.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_empty. Qed.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_proper f :
Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (finite_preimage_set f).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_mono f :
Proper (subseteq ==> subseteq) (finite_preimage_set f).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_finite_preimage_set f a bs :
a ∈ finite_preimage_set f bs ↔ f a ∈ bs.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_preimage_set f a bs Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf (f a) bs Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf a (finite_preimage_set f bs) Q.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_finite_preimage_set. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_union f bs1 bs2 :
finite_preimage_set f (bs1 ∪ bs2) ≡
finite_preimage_set f bs1 ∪ finite_preimage_set f bs2.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_union. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_singleton f b :
finite_preimage_set f {[ b ]} ≡ list_to_set $ finite_preimage f b.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_singleton. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage_set f {[ f a ]} ≡ {[ a ]}.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Section finite_preimage_set_leibniz.
Context `{!LeibnizEquiv C} `{!LeibnizEquiv D}.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_empty_L f :
finite_preimage_set f ∅ = ∅.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_empty_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_union_L f bs1 bs2 :
finite_preimage_set f (bs1 ∪ bs2) =
finite_preimage_set f bs1 ∪ finite_preimage_set f bs2.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_union_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_singleton_L f b :
finite_preimage_set f {[ b ]} = list_to_set $ finite_preimage f b.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_singleton_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton_L `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage_set f {[ f a ]} = {[ a ]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton. Qed.
End finite_preimage_set_leibniz.
End finite_preimage_set.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_params :
Params (@finite_preimage_set) 12 := {}.
Notation finite_preimage_gset :=
(finite_preimage_set (C := gset _) (D := gset _)) (only parsing).
Definition encode_N `{Countable A} (x : A) : N :=
Pos.pred_N (encode x).
Definition decode_N `{Countable A} (i : N) : option A :=
decode (N.succ_pos i).
#[global] Arguments decode_N : simpl never.
Section countable.
Context `{Countable A}.
Implicit Type (x : A).
#[global] Instance encode_N_inj : Inj (=) (=) (encode_N (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_N; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_N x : decode_N (encode_N x) = Some x.
Proof. rewrite /decode_N /encode_N N_succ_pos_pred. apply decode_encode. Qed.
Lemma encode_nat_N x : encode_nat x = N.to_nat (encode_N x).
Proof. rewrite /encode_nat /encode_N. lia. Qed.
Lemma encode_N_nat x : encode_N x = N.of_nat (encode_nat x).
Proof. by rewrite encode_nat_N Qed.
Lemma decode_nat_N i : decode_nat i =@{option A} decode_N (N.of_nat i).
Proof. by rewrite /decode_nat Pos_of_S. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_nat i : decode_N i =@{option A} decode_nat (N.to_nat i).
Proof. by rewrite decode_nat_N Qed.
End countable.
Definition card_N A `{Finite A} : N := N.of_nat $ card A.
Section finite.
Context `{Finite A}.
Implicit Type (x : A).
(* Unfolding lemma: pretty annoying to prove inline by unfolding. *)
Lemma finite_decode_nat_unfold n :
decode_nat n = enum A !! n.
Proof. apply (f_equal (flip lookup (enum _))). lia. Qed.
Lemma enum_lookup_encode_nat (x : A) :
enum A !! encode_nat x = Some x.
Proof. by rewrite -finite_decode_nat_unfold decode_encode_nat. Qed.
(* To upstream! Missing companion to encode_lt_card. *)
Lemma finite_decode_nat_lt n x :
decode_nat n = Some x → (n < card A)%nat.
Proof. rewrite finite_decode_nat_unfold /card. apply lookup_lt_Some. Qed.
SetUnfold (f a = b) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf a (finite_preimage f b) P.
Proof. split. rewrite elem_of_finite_preimage. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_inj_singleton `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage f (f a) = [a].
apply list_singleton_eq_ext. { apply NoDup_filter, NoDup_enum. }
Definition finite_inverse f b : option A := head $ finite_preimage f b.
Lemma finite_inverse_Some_inv f a b :
finite_inverse f b = Some a → f a = b.
Proof. intros Hof%head_Some_elem_of. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_inverse_is_Some f a b :
f a = b → is_Some (finite_inverse f b).
intros Heq%elem_of_finite_preimage%elem_of_not_nil.
exact /head_is_Some.
Lemma finite_inverse_None_equiv f b :
finite_inverse f b = None ↔ ¬(∃ a, f a = b).
rewrite eq_None_not_Some. f_equiv.
split. { intros [a ?%finite_inverse_Some_inv]. by exists a. }
by intros [a ?%finite_inverse_is_Some].
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_inverse_None f b P :
(∀ a, SetUnfold (f a = b) (P a)) →
SetUnfold (finite_inverse f b = None) (¬ (∃ a, P a)).
Proof. constructor. rewrite finite_inverse_None_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
Section finite_preimage_inj.
Context `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq f}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma finite_inverse_inj_cancel a :
finite_inverse f (f a) = Some a.
Proof. by rewrite /finite_inverse finite_preimage_inj_singleton. Qed.
Lemma finite_inverse_inj_Some_equiv a b :
finite_inverse f b = Some a ↔ f a = b.
naive_solver eauto using finite_inverse_Some_inv, finite_inverse_inj_cancel.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_inverse_inj_Some a b P :
SetUnfold (f a = b) P →
SetUnfold (finite_inverse f b = Some a) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite finite_inverse_inj_Some_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
End finite_preimage_inj.
End finite_preimage.
Section finite_preimage_set.
Context `{FinSet A C} `{FinSet B D}.
Context `{!Finite A}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (a : A) (b : B) (f : A → B) (bs : D).
Definition finite_preimage_set (f : A → B) (bs : D) : C :=
set_concat_map (finite_preimage f) bs.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_empty f :
finite_preimage_set f ∅ ≡ ∅.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_empty. Qed.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_proper f :
Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (finite_preimage_set f).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_mono f :
Proper (subseteq ==> subseteq) (finite_preimage_set f).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_finite_preimage_set f a bs :
a ∈ finite_preimage_set f bs ↔ f a ∈ bs.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_finite_preimage_set f a bs Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf (f a) bs Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf a (finite_preimage_set f bs) Q.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_finite_preimage_set. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_union f bs1 bs2 :
finite_preimage_set f (bs1 ∪ bs2) ≡
finite_preimage_set f bs1 ∪ finite_preimage_set f bs2.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_union. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_singleton f b :
finite_preimage_set f {[ b ]} ≡ list_to_set $ finite_preimage f b.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_singleton. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage_set f {[ f a ]} ≡ {[ a ]}.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Section finite_preimage_set_leibniz.
Context `{!LeibnizEquiv C} `{!LeibnizEquiv D}.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_empty_L f :
finite_preimage_set f ∅ = ∅.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_empty_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_union_L f bs1 bs2 :
finite_preimage_set f (bs1 ∪ bs2) =
finite_preimage_set f bs1 ∪ finite_preimage_set f bs2.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_union_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_singleton_L f b :
finite_preimage_set f {[ b ]} = list_to_set $ finite_preimage f b.
Proof. apply set_concat_map_singleton_L. Qed.
Lemma finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton_L `{!Inj eq eq f} a :
finite_preimage_set f {[ f a ]} = {[ a ]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply finite_preimage_set_inj_singleton. Qed.
End finite_preimage_set_leibniz.
End finite_preimage_set.
#[global] Instance finite_preimage_set_params :
Params (@finite_preimage_set) 12 := {}.
Notation finite_preimage_gset :=
(finite_preimage_set (C := gset _) (D := gset _)) (only parsing).
Definition encode_N `{Countable A} (x : A) : N :=
Pos.pred_N (encode x).
Definition decode_N `{Countable A} (i : N) : option A :=
decode (N.succ_pos i).
#[global] Arguments decode_N : simpl never.
Section countable.
Context `{Countable A}.
Implicit Type (x : A).
#[global] Instance encode_N_inj : Inj (=) (=) (encode_N (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_N; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_N x : decode_N (encode_N x) = Some x.
Proof. rewrite /decode_N /encode_N N_succ_pos_pred. apply decode_encode. Qed.
Lemma encode_nat_N x : encode_nat x = N.to_nat (encode_N x).
Proof. rewrite /encode_nat /encode_N. lia. Qed.
Lemma encode_N_nat x : encode_N x = N.of_nat (encode_nat x).
Proof. by rewrite encode_nat_N Qed.
Lemma decode_nat_N i : decode_nat i =@{option A} decode_N (N.of_nat i).
Proof. by rewrite /decode_nat Pos_of_S. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_nat i : decode_N i =@{option A} decode_nat (N.to_nat i).
Proof. by rewrite decode_nat_N Qed.
End countable.
Definition card_N A `{Finite A} : N := N.of_nat $ card A.
Section finite.
Context `{Finite A}.
Implicit Type (x : A).
(* Unfolding lemma: pretty annoying to prove inline by unfolding. *)
Lemma finite_decode_nat_unfold n :
decode_nat n = enum A !! n.
Proof. apply (f_equal (flip lookup (enum _))). lia. Qed.
Lemma enum_lookup_encode_nat (x : A) :
enum A !! encode_nat x = Some x.
Proof. by rewrite -finite_decode_nat_unfold decode_encode_nat. Qed.
(* To upstream! Missing companion to encode_lt_card. *)
Lemma finite_decode_nat_lt n x :
decode_nat n = Some x → (n < card A)%nat.
Proof. rewrite finite_decode_nat_unfold /card. apply lookup_lt_Some. Qed.
Lift the above lemmas
Lemma finite_decode_N_unfold' n :
decode_N n = enum A !! N.to_nat n.
Proof. by rewrite decode_N_nat finite_decode_nat_unfold. Qed.
Lemma finite_decode_N_unfold n :
decode_N n = enum A !! n.
Proof. by rewrite list_lookupN_lookup -finite_decode_N_unfold'. Qed.
Lemma enum_lookup_encode_N (x : A) :
enum A !! encode_N x = Some x.
Proof. by rewrite -finite_decode_N_unfold decode_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma finite_decode_N_lt n x :
decode_N n = Some x → n < card_N A.
Proof. rewrite /card_N decode_N_nat => /finite_decode_nat_lt. lia. Qed.
Lemma encode_N_lt_card_N x : encode_N x < card_N A.
Proof. rewrite encode_N_nat. apply N_of_nat_lt_mono, encode_lt_card. Qed.
Lemma encode_decode_N (i : N) :
i < card_N A →
∃ x : A, decode_N i = Some x ∧ encode_N x = i.
rewrite /card_N -{1}( i). intros Hle%N_of_nat_lt_mono.
have [x [Hdec Henc]] := encode_decode A (N.to_nat i) Hle.
exists x. rewrite decode_nat_N encode_nat_N in Hdec Henc.
by apply (inj N.to_nat) in Henc.
decode_N n = enum A !! N.to_nat n.
Proof. by rewrite decode_N_nat finite_decode_nat_unfold. Qed.
Lemma finite_decode_N_unfold n :
decode_N n = enum A !! n.
Proof. by rewrite list_lookupN_lookup -finite_decode_N_unfold'. Qed.
Lemma enum_lookup_encode_N (x : A) :
enum A !! encode_N x = Some x.
Proof. by rewrite -finite_decode_N_unfold decode_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma finite_decode_N_lt n x :
decode_N n = Some x → n < card_N A.
Proof. rewrite /card_N decode_N_nat => /finite_decode_nat_lt. lia. Qed.
Lemma encode_N_lt_card_N x : encode_N x < card_N A.
Proof. rewrite encode_N_nat. apply N_of_nat_lt_mono, encode_lt_card. Qed.
Lemma encode_decode_N (i : N) :
i < card_N A →
∃ x : A, decode_N i = Some x ∧ encode_N x = i.
rewrite /card_N -{1}( i). intros Hle%N_of_nat_lt_mono.
have [x [Hdec Henc]] := encode_decode A (N.to_nat i) Hle.
exists x. rewrite decode_nat_N encode_nat_N in Hdec Henc.
by apply (inj N.to_nat) in Henc.
Lemma decode_N_Some_encode_N (n : N) (x : A)
(Hdec : decode_N n = Some x) : encode_N x = n.
pose proof (finite_decode_N_lt _ _ Hdec) as Hcmp.
destruct (encode_decode_N _ Hcmp) as (x' & ?Hdec & Henc).
Lemma decode_N_encode_N (n : N) (x : A) :
decode_N n = Some x ↔ encode_N x = n.
Proof. naive_solver eauto using decode_encode_N, decode_N_Some_encode_N. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_decode_N_Some x n P :
SetUnfold (encode_N x = n) P →
SetUnfold (decode_N n = Some x) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite decode_N_encode_N. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_None_encode_N (n : N) :
decode_N (A := A) n = None ↔ ¬(∃ x, encode_N x = n).
rewrite eq_None_not_Some /is_Some.
by setoid_rewrite decode_N_encode_N.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_decode_N_None n P :
(∀ x, SetUnfold (encode_N x = n) (P x)) →
SetUnfold (decode_N (A := A) n = None) (¬∃ x, P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite decode_N_None_encode_N. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_is_inverse n :
finite_inverse encode_N n = decode_N (A := A) n.
Proof. destruct decode_N eqn:?; set_solver. Qed.
End finite.
(* From (pieces of) Countable (and more) to Finite. *)
Section enc_finite.
#[local] Close Scope N_scope.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Context (to_nat : A → nat) (of_nat : nat → A) (c : nat).
Context (of_to_nat : ∀ x, of_nat (to_nat x) = x).
Context (to_nat_c : ∀ x, to_nat x < c).
Context (to_of_nat : ∀ i, i < c → to_nat (of_nat i) = i).
(* Unfolding lemma for enc_finite. *)
Lemma enc_finite_enum :
@enum _ _ (enc_finite to_nat of_nat c of_to_nat to_nat_c to_of_nat) = of_nat <$> seq 0 c.
Proof. done. Qed.
End enc_finite.
(Hdec : decode_N n = Some x) : encode_N x = n.
pose proof (finite_decode_N_lt _ _ Hdec) as Hcmp.
destruct (encode_decode_N _ Hcmp) as (x' & ?Hdec & Henc).
Lemma decode_N_encode_N (n : N) (x : A) :
decode_N n = Some x ↔ encode_N x = n.
Proof. naive_solver eauto using decode_encode_N, decode_N_Some_encode_N. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_decode_N_Some x n P :
SetUnfold (encode_N x = n) P →
SetUnfold (decode_N n = Some x) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite decode_N_encode_N. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_None_encode_N (n : N) :
decode_N (A := A) n = None ↔ ¬(∃ x, encode_N x = n).
rewrite eq_None_not_Some /is_Some.
by setoid_rewrite decode_N_encode_N.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_decode_N_None n P :
(∀ x, SetUnfold (encode_N x = n) (P x)) →
SetUnfold (decode_N (A := A) n = None) (¬∃ x, P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite decode_N_None_encode_N. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma decode_N_is_inverse n :
finite_inverse encode_N n = decode_N (A := A) n.
Proof. destruct decode_N eqn:?; set_solver. Qed.
End finite.
(* From (pieces of) Countable (and more) to Finite. *)
Section enc_finite.
#[local] Close Scope N_scope.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Context (to_nat : A → nat) (of_nat : nat → A) (c : nat).
Context (of_to_nat : ∀ x, of_nat (to_nat x) = x).
Context (to_nat_c : ∀ x, to_nat x < c).
Context (to_of_nat : ∀ i, i < c → to_nat (of_nat i) = i).
(* Unfolding lemma for enc_finite. *)
Lemma enc_finite_enum :
@enum _ _ (enc_finite to_nat of_nat c of_to_nat to_nat_c to_of_nat) = of_nat <$> seq 0 c.
Proof. done. Qed.
End enc_finite.
Lift enc_finite to N
Section enc_finite_N.
Context `{Inhabited A}.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Context (to_N : A → N) (of_N : N → option A) (c : N).
Context (of_to_N : ∀ x, of_N (to_N x) = Some x).
Context (to_N_c : ∀ x, to_N x < c).
Context (to_of_N : ∀ i, i < c → to_N (default inhabitant $ of_N i) = i).
#[program] Definition enc_finite_N : Finite A :=
enc_finite (N.to_nat ∘ to_N) ((λ x, default inhabitant (of_N x)) ∘ N.of_nat) (N.to_nat c) _ _ _.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x. by rewrite of_to_N. Qed.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x. have := to_N_c x. lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x Hle. rewrite to_of_N; lia. Qed.
End enc_finite_N.
Context `{Inhabited A}.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Context (to_N : A → N) (of_N : N → option A) (c : N).
Context (of_to_N : ∀ x, of_N (to_N x) = Some x).
Context (to_N_c : ∀ x, to_N x < c).
Context (to_of_N : ∀ i, i < c → to_N (default inhabitant $ of_N i) = i).
#[program] Definition enc_finite_N : Finite A :=
enc_finite (N.to_nat ∘ to_N) ((λ x, default inhabitant (of_N x)) ∘ N.of_nat) (N.to_nat c) _ _ _.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x. by rewrite of_to_N. Qed.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x. have := to_N_c x. lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. move=> /= x Hle. rewrite to_of_N; lia. Qed.
End enc_finite_N.
Lemma NoDup_app_fmap_l {A B} `{Finite A} (f : A -> B) xs :
Inj eq eq f →
NoDup xs →
(∀ x : B, x ∈ f <$> enum A → x ∉ xs) →
NoDup ((f <$> enum A) ++ xs).
intros. rewrite NoDup_app. by split_and!; first apply /NoDup_fmap_2 /NoDup_enum.
Inj eq eq f →
NoDup xs →
(∀ x : B, x ∈ f <$> enum A → x ∉ xs) →
NoDup ((f <$> enum A) ++ xs).
intros. rewrite NoDup_app. by split_and!; first apply /NoDup_fmap_2 /NoDup_enum.
Lemma elem_of_app_fmap_enum_l `{Finite A} `(f : A → B) x (ys : list B) :
f x ∈ (f <$> enum A) ++ ys.
by apply/elem_of_app; left; apply/elem_of_list_fmap_1/elem_of_enum.
f x ∈ (f <$> enum A) ++ ys.
by apply/elem_of_app; left; apply/elem_of_list_fmap_1/elem_of_enum.
Module-based infrastructure to generate Finite-based utilities.
Example use for a variant.
Module right.
Variant t := FOO | BAR.
Definition t := t. (* Workaround Coq bug. *)
[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t. Proof. solve_decision. Defined. global Instance t_finite : Finite t. Proof. solve_finite FOO; BAR. Defined.
(* Option 1: specify to_N by hand: *)
Definition to_N : t -> N := ..
(* get a specialized copy of of_N and of_to_N. *)
Include finite_encoded_type_mixin.
(* Option 2 (alternative to 1):
INSTEAD OF defining to_N, obtain it from Finite, together with various
other parts of an encoding into bitmasks.
Include simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
(* simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin can almost be replaced by (some subset of), but
enjoys extra lemmas. *)
Include finite_type_mixin. Include bitmask_type_simple_mixin. Include finite_bitmask_type_mixin. End right.
(* For bitmasks over simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf. *)
Module rights := simple_finite_bits rights. (* Else, for bitmasks over finite_bitmask_type_intf. *)
Module rights := finite_bits rights.
[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t. Proof. solve_decision. Defined. global Instance t_finite : Finite t. Proof. solve_finite FOO; BAR. Defined.
Definition to_N : t -> N := ..
Include finite_encoded_type_mixin.
INSTEAD OF defining to_N, obtain it from Finite, together with various
other parts of an encoding into bitmasks.
Include simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
enjoys extra lemmas. *)
Include finite_type_mixin. Include bitmask_type_simple_mixin. Include finite_bitmask_type_mixin. End right.
Module rights := simple_finite_bits rights. (* Else, for bitmasks over finite_bitmask_type_intf. *)
Module rights := finite_bits rights.
Module Type eqdec_type.
Parameter t : Type.
#[global] Declare Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
End eqdec_type.
Module Type finite_type <: eqdec_type.
Include eqdec_type.
#[global] Declare Instance t_finite : Finite t.
End finite_type.
Parameter t : Type.
#[global] Declare Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
End eqdec_type.
Module Type finite_type <: eqdec_type.
Include eqdec_type.
#[global] Declare Instance t_finite : Finite t.
End finite_type.
To define finite_type for enums, the following will work:
Older option (deprecated: more verbose for no gain):
#[global] Instance t_finite : Finite t. Proof. solve_finite [GET; SET]. Defined.
#[global,program] Instance t_finite : Finite t := { enum := [GET; SET] }. Next Obligation. solve_finite_nodup. Qed. Next Obligation. solve_finite_total. Qed.
Ltac solve_finite_nodup := vm_decide.
(* Crucially, case does not introduce variables: hence solve_finite_total
works even for constructors taking arguments from finite domains. *)
Ltac solve_finite_total := case; vm_decide.
Ltac solve_finite Fields :=
refine (@Build_Finite _ _ Fields _ _);
[ abstract solve_finite_nodup
| abstract solve_finite_total ].
(* Mixin hierarchy 1: given a Finite instance and a to_N function, we can
create an of_N function. This contains finite_encoded_type *)
Module Type finite_encoded_type <: finite_type.
Include finite_type.
Parameter to_N : t -> N.
End finite_encoded_type.
Module Type finite_encoded_type_mixin (Import F : finite_encoded_type).
Definition of_N n := finite_inverse to_N n.
Lemma of_to_N `[Hinj : !Inj eq eq to_N] (x : t) :
of_N (to_N x) = Some x.
Proof. exact: finite_inverse_inj_cancel. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N (n : N) (x : t) :
of_N n = Some x → to_N x = n.
Proof. apply finite_inverse_Some_inv. Qed.
End finite_encoded_type_mixin.
(* Mixin hierarchy 2: *)
Module Type finite_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type).
Not marked as an instance because it is derivable.
It is here just in case some mixin wants it. *)
Definition t_countable : Countable t := _.
(* Obtain encoding from t_finite *)
Definition to_N : t -> N := encode_N.
Definition of_N : N -> option t := decode_N.
Lemma of_to_N x : of_N (to_N x) = Some x.
Proof. apply decode_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N n x : of_N n = Some x → to_N x = n.
Proof. apply decode_N_Some_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma to_N_lt_card_N x : to_N x < card_N t.
Proof. exact /encode_N_lt_card_N. Qed.
End finite_type_mixin.
Module Type finite_type_intf := finite_type <+ finite_type_mixin.
(* Interface for the bitmask functions. *)
Module Type bitmask_type (Import F : eqdec_type).
(* Crucially, case does not introduce variables: hence solve_finite_total
works even for constructors taking arguments from finite domains. *)
Ltac solve_finite_total := case; vm_decide.
Ltac solve_finite Fields :=
refine (@Build_Finite _ _ Fields _ _);
[ abstract solve_finite_nodup
| abstract solve_finite_total ].
(* Mixin hierarchy 1: given a Finite instance and a to_N function, we can
create an of_N function. This contains finite_encoded_type *)
Module Type finite_encoded_type <: finite_type.
Include finite_type.
Parameter to_N : t -> N.
End finite_encoded_type.
Module Type finite_encoded_type_mixin (Import F : finite_encoded_type).
Definition of_N n := finite_inverse to_N n.
Lemma of_to_N `[Hinj : !Inj eq eq to_N] (x : t) :
of_N (to_N x) = Some x.
Proof. exact: finite_inverse_inj_cancel. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N (n : N) (x : t) :
of_N n = Some x → to_N x = n.
Proof. apply finite_inverse_Some_inv. Qed.
End finite_encoded_type_mixin.
(* Mixin hierarchy 2: *)
Module Type finite_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type).
Not marked as an instance because it is derivable.
It is here just in case some mixin wants it. *)
Definition t_countable : Countable t := _.
(* Obtain encoding from t_finite *)
Definition to_N : t -> N := encode_N.
Definition of_N : N -> option t := decode_N.
Lemma of_to_N x : of_N (to_N x) = Some x.
Proof. apply decode_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N n x : of_N n = Some x → to_N x = n.
Proof. apply decode_N_Some_encode_N. Qed.
Lemma to_N_lt_card_N x : to_N x < card_N t.
Proof. exact /encode_N_lt_card_N. Qed.
End finite_type_mixin.
Module Type finite_type_intf := finite_type <+ finite_type_mixin.
(* Interface for the bitmask functions. *)
Module Type bitmask_type (Import F : eqdec_type).
Convert t to the corresponding bit number.
bitmask_type_simple_mixin sets this to finite_type.to_N, which is
not always appropriate when interfacing with outside protocols.
Parameter to_bit : t -> N.
End bitmask_type.
Module Type bitmask_type_simple_mixin (Import F : finite_type) (Import FM : finite_type_mixin F).
(* Here, to_N is a valid bit encoding *)
Definition to_bit := to_N.
Definition of_bit := of_N.
Lemma of_to_bit x : of_bit (to_bit x) = Some x.
Proof. apply of_to_N. Qed.
Lemma to_of_bit n x : of_bit n = Some x → to_bit x = n.
Proof. apply to_of_N. Qed.
Lemma to_bit_lt_card_N x : to_bit x < card_N t.
Proof. exact /to_N_lt_card_N. Qed.
End bitmask_type_simple_mixin.
Module Type finite_bitmask_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type) (Import B : bitmask_type F).
Implicit Type (x : t) (m n : N).
Definition to_bitmask (r : t) : N := 2 ^ to_bit r.
Lemma to_bitmask_setbit x : to_bitmask x = N.setbit 0 (to_bit x).
Proof. by rewrite N.setbit_spec'. Qed.
Definition testbit (mask : N) (x : t) : bool :=
N.testbit mask (to_bit x).
Lemma testbit_0 x : testbit 0 x = false.
Proof. by rewrite /testbit N.bits_0. Qed.
Lemma testbit_lor m1 m2 x :
testbit (m1 `lor` m2) x =
testbit m1 x || testbit m2 x.
Proof. apply N.lor_spec. Qed.
Lemma testbit_land m1 m2 x :
testbit (m1 `land` m2) x =
testbit m1 x && testbit m2 x.
Proof. apply N.land_spec. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_lor m1 m2 x P Q :
SetUnfold (testbit m1 x) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m2 x) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (m1 `lor` m2) x) (P ∨ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_lor. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_land m1 m2 x P Q :
SetUnfold (testbit m1 x) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m2 x) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (m1 `land` m2) x) (P ∧ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_land. set_solver. Qed.
Definition filter (mask : N) (x : t) : list t :=
if testbit mask x then [x] else [].
Lemma elem_of_filter m (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter m x ↔
x = y ∧ testbit m x.
Proof. rewrite /filter; case_match; set_solver. Qed.
(* The high priority is important.
this is only a fallback after other instances apply. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_filter m x y P Q :
SetUnfold (x = y) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m x) Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (filter m x) (P ∧ Q) | 100.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_filter. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_0 x : filter 0 x = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_lor m1 m2 (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter (m1 `lor` m2) x ↔
y ∈ filter m1 x ∨ y ∈ filter m2 x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_land m1 m2 (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter (m1 `land` m2) x ↔
y ∈ filter m1 x ∧ y ∈ filter m2 x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque filter.
#[global] Arguments filter : simpl never.
End bitmask_type.
Module Type bitmask_type_simple_mixin (Import F : finite_type) (Import FM : finite_type_mixin F).
(* Here, to_N is a valid bit encoding *)
Definition to_bit := to_N.
Definition of_bit := of_N.
Lemma of_to_bit x : of_bit (to_bit x) = Some x.
Proof. apply of_to_N. Qed.
Lemma to_of_bit n x : of_bit n = Some x → to_bit x = n.
Proof. apply to_of_N. Qed.
Lemma to_bit_lt_card_N x : to_bit x < card_N t.
Proof. exact /to_N_lt_card_N. Qed.
End bitmask_type_simple_mixin.
Module Type finite_bitmask_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type) (Import B : bitmask_type F).
Implicit Type (x : t) (m n : N).
Definition to_bitmask (r : t) : N := 2 ^ to_bit r.
Lemma to_bitmask_setbit x : to_bitmask x = N.setbit 0 (to_bit x).
Proof. by rewrite N.setbit_spec'. Qed.
Definition testbit (mask : N) (x : t) : bool :=
N.testbit mask (to_bit x).
Lemma testbit_0 x : testbit 0 x = false.
Proof. by rewrite /testbit N.bits_0. Qed.
Lemma testbit_lor m1 m2 x :
testbit (m1 `lor` m2) x =
testbit m1 x || testbit m2 x.
Proof. apply N.lor_spec. Qed.
Lemma testbit_land m1 m2 x :
testbit (m1 `land` m2) x =
testbit m1 x && testbit m2 x.
Proof. apply N.land_spec. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_lor m1 m2 x P Q :
SetUnfold (testbit m1 x) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m2 x) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (m1 `lor` m2) x) (P ∨ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_lor. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_land m1 m2 x P Q :
SetUnfold (testbit m1 x) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m2 x) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (m1 `land` m2) x) (P ∧ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_land. set_solver. Qed.
Definition filter (mask : N) (x : t) : list t :=
if testbit mask x then [x] else [].
Lemma elem_of_filter m (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter m x ↔
x = y ∧ testbit m x.
Proof. rewrite /filter; case_match; set_solver. Qed.
(* The high priority is important.
this is only a fallback after other instances apply. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_filter m x y P Q :
SetUnfold (x = y) P →
SetUnfold (testbit m x) Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (filter m x) (P ∧ Q) | 100.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_filter. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_0 x : filter 0 x = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_lor m1 m2 (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter (m1 `lor` m2) x ↔
y ∈ filter m1 x ∨ y ∈ filter m2 x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_filter_land m1 m2 (x y : t) :
y ∈ filter (m1 `land` m2) x ↔
y ∈ filter m1 x ∧ y ∈ filter m2 x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque filter.
#[global] Arguments filter : simpl never.
Technically redundant, but a leaf, and it cleans up set_unfold output.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_filter_0 m x y :
SetUnfoldElemOf y (filter 0 x) False.
Proof. constructor. set_solver. Qed.
(* Parse a bitmask into a list of flags. *)
Definition to_list_aux (mask : N) (xs : list t) : list t :=
xs ≫= filter mask.
Definition to_list (mask : N) : list t := to_list_aux mask $ enum t.
Lemma elem_of_to_list x n :
x ∈ to_list n ↔ testbit n x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_to_list x n P :
SetUnfold (testbit n x) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (to_list n) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_to_list. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque to_list.
Lemma to_list_0 : to_list 0 = [].
Proof. apply list_empty_eq_ext; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_0 x :
x ∈ to_list 0 ↔ False.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_or x m n :
x ∈ to_list (m `lor` n) ↔ x ∈ to_list m ∨ x ∈ to_list n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_and x m n :
x ∈ to_list (m `land` n) ↔ x ∈ to_list m ∧ x ∈ to_list n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Definition setbit (b : t) (n : N) : N := N.setbit n (to_bit b).
Notation setbit_alt b n := (N.lor (to_bitmask b) n).
(* Prevent set_solver from exposing the implementation. *)
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque setbit.
#[global] Arguments setbit : simpl never.
Lemma setbit_0 x : setbit x 0 = to_bitmask x.
Proof. by rewrite to_bitmask_setbit. Qed.
Lemma setbit_is_alt b n : setbit b n = setbit_alt b n.
Proof. by rewrite /setbit N.setbit_spec' comm_L. Qed.
Lemma testbit_setbit (x y : t) (mask : N) :
testbit (setbit x mask) y =
bool_decide (to_bit x = to_bit y) || testbit mask y.
Proof. by rewrite /testbit /setbit N_setbit_bool_decide. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask (x z : t) :
testbit (to_bitmask x) z = bool_decide (to_bit x = to_bit z).
Proof. by rewrite -setbit_0 testbit_setbit testbit_0 right_id_L. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask_eq (x : t) : testbit (to_bitmask x) x = true.
Succeed by rewrite testbit_to_bitmask bool_decide_eq_true.
apply N.pow2_bits_true.
Section to_bit_inj.
Context`{Hinj : !Inj eq eq to_bit}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Hinj".
Lemma testbit_setbit_inj (x y : t) (mask : N) :
testbit (setbit x mask) y =
bool_decide (x = y) || testbit mask y.
rewrite testbit_setbit. f_equal.
by rewrite (bool_decide_ext _ _ (inj_iff to_bit _ _)).
(* We currently offer no testbit_setbit instance for the non-Inj case. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_setbit_inj (x y : t) (mask : N) P Q :
SetUnfold (x = y) P →
SetUnfold (testbit mask y) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (setbit x mask) y) (P ∨ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_setbit_inj. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask_inj (x z : t) :
testbit (to_bitmask x) z = bool_decide (x = z).
Proof. by rewrite testbit_to_bitmask (bool_decide_ext _ _ (inj_iff to_bit _ _)). Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_to_bitmask_inj (x z : t) P :
SetUnfold (x = z) P →
SetUnfold (testbit (to_bitmask x) z) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_to_bitmask_inj. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_setbit' (x y z : t) (mask : N) :
y ∈ filter (setbit x mask) z ↔ y ∈ filter (to_bitmask x) z ∨ y ∈ filter mask z.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_setbit (x y z : t) (mask : N) :
y ∈ filter (setbit x mask) z ↔ x = y ∧ y = z ∨ y ∈ filter mask z.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma to_list_setbit (x z : t) (mask : N) :
z ∈ to_list (setbit x mask) ↔ z = x ∨ z ∈ to_list mask.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
End to_bit_inj.
End finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
Module Type finite_bitmask_type_intf := finite_type <+ bitmask_type <+ finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
(* All the above mixins in the right order, for when bitmask_type_simple_mixin
is appropriate. *)
Module Type simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type).
Include finite_type_mixin F.
Include bitmask_type_simple_mixin F.
Include finite_bitmask_type_mixin F.
Definition all_bits : N := N.ones (N.of_nat (card F.t)).
(* Cannot be proven in finite_bitmask_type_mixin because we need to_bit's
definition. *)
Lemma to_list_max : to_list all_bits = enum F.t.
rewrite /to_list /to_list_aux /filter /mbind.
elim: enum => [//|x xs IH]; cbn; rewrite {}IH.
set c := testbit _ _; suff -> : c = true by []; rewrite {}/c.
apply N.ones_spec_iff, encode_N_lt_card_N.
End simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
Module Type simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf := finite_type <+ simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
(* A type for _sets_ of flags, as opposed to the type of flags described above. *)
Module Type finite_bits_aux (BT : finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Definition t := gset BT.t.
#[global] Instance top_t : Top t := fin_to_set BT.t (C := t).
#[global] Instance topset_t : TopSet BT.t t.
Proof. split. apply _. apply elem_of_fin_to_set. Qed.
Implicit Type (x : BT.t) (m n : N).
to_bits and of_bits implement a bitset encoding of t into N, given
the encoding to_bit : BT.t -> N.
to_of_bits and of_to_bits show they're inverses, assuming
Inj eq eq BT.to_bit.
Definition of_bits (mask : N) : t := list_to_set $ BT.to_list mask.
Lemma elem_of_of_bits x n :
x ∈ of_bits n ↔ BT.testbit n x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_to_list x n P :
SetUnfold (BT.testbit n x) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (of_bits n) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_of_bits. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque of_bits.
Lemma of_bits_0 : of_bits 0 = ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_bits_or m n : of_bits (m `lor` n) = of_bits m ∪ of_bits n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_bits_and m n : of_bits (m `land` n) = of_bits m ∩ of_bits n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Definition to_bits (rs : t) : N := set_fold BT.setbit 0 rs.
Lemma to_bits_empty : to_bits ∅ = 0.
Proof. apply set_fold_empty. Qed.
Lemma to_bits_singleton x : to_bits {[x]} = BT.to_bitmask x.
Proof. by rewrite /to_bits set_fold_singleton BT.setbit_0. Qed.
Module Import internal.
Definition to_bits_alt (rs : t) : N := set_fold (λ b n, BT.setbit_alt b n) 0 rs.
Lemma to_bits_is_alt rs : to_bits rs = to_bits_alt rs.
Proof. apply: foldr_ext => // b a. apply BT.setbit_is_alt. Qed.
SetUnfoldElemOf y (filter 0 x) False.
Proof. constructor. set_solver. Qed.
(* Parse a bitmask into a list of flags. *)
Definition to_list_aux (mask : N) (xs : list t) : list t :=
xs ≫= filter mask.
Definition to_list (mask : N) : list t := to_list_aux mask $ enum t.
Lemma elem_of_to_list x n :
x ∈ to_list n ↔ testbit n x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_to_list x n P :
SetUnfold (testbit n x) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (to_list n) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_to_list. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque to_list.
Lemma to_list_0 : to_list 0 = [].
Proof. apply list_empty_eq_ext; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_0 x :
x ∈ to_list 0 ↔ False.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_or x m n :
x ∈ to_list (m `lor` n) ↔ x ∈ to_list m ∨ x ∈ to_list n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_to_list_and x m n :
x ∈ to_list (m `land` n) ↔ x ∈ to_list m ∧ x ∈ to_list n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Definition setbit (b : t) (n : N) : N := N.setbit n (to_bit b).
Notation setbit_alt b n := (N.lor (to_bitmask b) n).
(* Prevent set_solver from exposing the implementation. *)
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque setbit.
#[global] Arguments setbit : simpl never.
Lemma setbit_0 x : setbit x 0 = to_bitmask x.
Proof. by rewrite to_bitmask_setbit. Qed.
Lemma setbit_is_alt b n : setbit b n = setbit_alt b n.
Proof. by rewrite /setbit N.setbit_spec' comm_L. Qed.
Lemma testbit_setbit (x y : t) (mask : N) :
testbit (setbit x mask) y =
bool_decide (to_bit x = to_bit y) || testbit mask y.
Proof. by rewrite /testbit /setbit N_setbit_bool_decide. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask (x z : t) :
testbit (to_bitmask x) z = bool_decide (to_bit x = to_bit z).
Proof. by rewrite -setbit_0 testbit_setbit testbit_0 right_id_L. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask_eq (x : t) : testbit (to_bitmask x) x = true.
Succeed by rewrite testbit_to_bitmask bool_decide_eq_true.
apply N.pow2_bits_true.
Section to_bit_inj.
Context`{Hinj : !Inj eq eq to_bit}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Hinj".
Lemma testbit_setbit_inj (x y : t) (mask : N) :
testbit (setbit x mask) y =
bool_decide (x = y) || testbit mask y.
rewrite testbit_setbit. f_equal.
by rewrite (bool_decide_ext _ _ (inj_iff to_bit _ _)).
(* We currently offer no testbit_setbit instance for the non-Inj case. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_setbit_inj (x y : t) (mask : N) P Q :
SetUnfold (x = y) P →
SetUnfold (testbit mask y) Q →
SetUnfold (testbit (setbit x mask) y) (P ∨ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_setbit_inj. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma testbit_to_bitmask_inj (x z : t) :
testbit (to_bitmask x) z = bool_decide (x = z).
Proof. by rewrite testbit_to_bitmask (bool_decide_ext _ _ (inj_iff to_bit _ _)). Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_testbit_to_bitmask_inj (x z : t) P :
SetUnfold (x = z) P →
SetUnfold (testbit (to_bitmask x) z) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite testbit_to_bitmask_inj. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_setbit' (x y z : t) (mask : N) :
y ∈ filter (setbit x mask) z ↔ y ∈ filter (to_bitmask x) z ∨ y ∈ filter mask z.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_setbit (x y z : t) (mask : N) :
y ∈ filter (setbit x mask) z ↔ x = y ∧ y = z ∨ y ∈ filter mask z.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma to_list_setbit (x z : t) (mask : N) :
z ∈ to_list (setbit x mask) ↔ z = x ∨ z ∈ to_list mask.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
End to_bit_inj.
End finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
Module Type finite_bitmask_type_intf := finite_type <+ bitmask_type <+ finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
(* All the above mixins in the right order, for when bitmask_type_simple_mixin
is appropriate. *)
Module Type simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin (Import F : finite_type).
Include finite_type_mixin F.
Include bitmask_type_simple_mixin F.
Include finite_bitmask_type_mixin F.
Definition all_bits : N := N.ones (N.of_nat (card F.t)).
(* Cannot be proven in finite_bitmask_type_mixin because we need to_bit's
definition. *)
Lemma to_list_max : to_list all_bits = enum F.t.
rewrite /to_list /to_list_aux /filter /mbind.
elim: enum => [//|x xs IH]; cbn; rewrite {}IH.
set c := testbit _ _; suff -> : c = true by []; rewrite {}/c.
apply N.ones_spec_iff, encode_N_lt_card_N.
End simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
Module Type simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf := finite_type <+ simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin.
(* A type for _sets_ of flags, as opposed to the type of flags described above. *)
Module Type finite_bits_aux (BT : finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Definition t := gset BT.t.
#[global] Instance top_t : Top t := fin_to_set BT.t (C := t).
#[global] Instance topset_t : TopSet BT.t t.
Proof. split. apply _. apply elem_of_fin_to_set. Qed.
Implicit Type (x : BT.t) (m n : N).
to_bits and of_bits implement a bitset encoding of t into N, given
the encoding to_bit : BT.t -> N.
to_of_bits and of_to_bits show they're inverses, assuming
Inj eq eq BT.to_bit.
Definition of_bits (mask : N) : t := list_to_set $ BT.to_list mask.
Lemma elem_of_of_bits x n :
x ∈ of_bits n ↔ BT.testbit n x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_elem_of_to_list x n P :
SetUnfold (BT.testbit n x) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (of_bits n) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_of_bits. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Typeclasses Opaque of_bits.
Lemma of_bits_0 : of_bits 0 = ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_bits_or m n : of_bits (m `lor` n) = of_bits m ∪ of_bits n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_bits_and m n : of_bits (m `land` n) = of_bits m ∩ of_bits n.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Definition to_bits (rs : t) : N := set_fold BT.setbit 0 rs.
Lemma to_bits_empty : to_bits ∅ = 0.
Proof. apply set_fold_empty. Qed.
Lemma to_bits_singleton x : to_bits {[x]} = BT.to_bitmask x.
Proof. by rewrite /to_bits set_fold_singleton BT.setbit_0. Qed.
Module Import internal.
Definition to_bits_alt (rs : t) : N := set_fold (λ b n, BT.setbit_alt b n) 0 rs.
Lemma to_bits_is_alt rs : to_bits rs = to_bits_alt rs.
Proof. apply: foldr_ext => // b a. apply BT.setbit_is_alt. Qed.
Writing to_bits as a commutative, associative fold
allows reasoning with lemmas about foldr and Permutation.
See for instance to_bits_union_singleton.
Definition to_bits_comm (rs : t) : N :=
foldr N.lor 0 (BT.to_bitmask <$> elements rs).
Lemma to_bits_is_comm rs : to_bits rs = to_bits_comm rs.
Proof. rewrite to_bits_is_alt. apply symmetry, foldr_fmap. Qed.
We could also use
Definition to_bits_comm' (rs : t) : N :=
set_fold N.lor 0 (set_map (D := gset N) BT.to_bitmask rs).
But it seems that more lemmas are available on the foldr form.
End internal.
foldr N.lor 0 (BT.to_bitmask <$> elements rs).
Lemma to_bits_is_comm rs : to_bits rs = to_bits_comm rs.
Proof. rewrite to_bits_is_alt. apply symmetry, foldr_fmap. Qed.
We could also use
Definition to_bits_comm' (rs : t) : N :=
set_fold N.lor 0 (set_map (D := gset N) BT.to_bitmask rs).
But it seems that more lemmas are available on the foldr form.
End internal.
Internal; to_bits_union_singleton is strictly stronger.
#[local] Lemma to_bits_union_singleton_aux x xs (Hni : x ∉ xs) :
to_bits ({[x]} ∪ xs) = N.lor (BT.to_bitmask x) (to_bits xs).
Proof. by rewrite !to_bits_is_comm /to_bits_comm elements_union_singleton. Qed.
Lemma setbit_in_idemp x xs
(Hin : x ∈ xs) :
BT.setbit x (to_bits xs) = to_bits xs.
apply /symmetry /N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N_setbit_bool_decide.
case_bool_decide as Hdec; last reflexivity. rewrite -{}Hdec /=.
induction xs as [|y ys Hni IHys] using set_ind_L; first by set_solver.
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton_aux // N.lor_spec orb_true_iff.
move: Hin => /elem_of_union [{IHys} /elem_of_singleton -> | Hin]; [left|right].
{ apply BT.testbit_to_bitmask_eq. }
{ exact: IHys. }
to_bits ({[x]} ∪ xs) = N.lor (BT.to_bitmask x) (to_bits xs).
Proof. by rewrite !to_bits_is_comm /to_bits_comm elements_union_singleton. Qed.
Lemma setbit_in_idemp x xs
(Hin : x ∈ xs) :
BT.setbit x (to_bits xs) = to_bits xs.
apply /symmetry /N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N_setbit_bool_decide.
case_bool_decide as Hdec; last reflexivity. rewrite -{}Hdec /=.
induction xs as [|y ys Hni IHys] using set_ind_L; first by set_solver.
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton_aux // N.lor_spec orb_true_iff.
move: Hin => /elem_of_union [{IHys} /elem_of_singleton -> | Hin]; [left|right].
{ apply BT.testbit_to_bitmask_eq. }
{ exact: IHys. }
The right-hand side matches to_bits_comm's definition.
Lemma to_bits_union_singleton x xs :
to_bits ({[x]} ∪ xs) = N.lor (BT.to_bitmask x) (to_bits xs).
destruct (decide (x ∈ xs)). 2: exact: to_bits_union_singleton_aux.
rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; [|set_solver].
by rewrite -BT.setbit_is_alt setbit_in_idemp.
Lemma to_bits_union xs ys :
to_bits (xs ∪ ys) = N.lor (to_bits xs) (to_bits ys).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L. { by rewrite to_bits_empty !left_id_L. }
by rewrite -(assoc_L _ {[x]}) !to_bits_union_singleton IHxs assoc_L.
Lemma to_bitmask_land_neq `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} x y (N : x <> y) :
BT.to_bitmask x `land` BT.to_bitmask y = 0.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i; rewrite N.land_spec N.bits_0.
have X: BT.to_bit x <> BT.to_bit y by move/INJ.
rewrite 2!BT.to_bitmask_setbit.
move: X; move: (BT.to_bit x); move: (BT.to_bit y) => a b X.
rewrite 2!N.setbit_eqb !N_eqb_bool_decide.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (b = i)); destruct (bool_decide_reflect (a = i)) => //=.
subst; contradiction.
Lemma to_bits_intersection_singleton `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} xs y :
to_bits (xs ∩ {[y]}) = (to_bits xs) (to_bits {[y]}).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite intersection_empty_l_L to_bits_empty N.land_0_l. }
rewrite intersection_comm_L intersection_union_l_L 2!to_bits_union.
rewrite [_ ∩ X]intersection_comm_L IHxs N.land_lor_distr_l.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (y = x)).
{ subst x. rewrite intersection_singletons_L. f_equal. by rewrite N.land_diag. }
have ->: ({[y]} : t) ∩ {[x]} = ∅ by set_solver.
rewrite 2!to_bits_singleton to_bits_empty to_bitmask_land_neq; last by [].
by [].
Lemma to_bits_intersection `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} xs ys :
to_bits (xs ∩ ys) = (to_bits xs) (to_bits ys).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite intersection_empty_l_L to_bits_empty N.land_0_l. }
rewrite intersection_comm_L intersection_union_l_L 2!to_bits_union.
rewrite [_ ∩ X]intersection_comm_L IHxs N.land_lor_distr_l.
rewrite to_bits_intersection_singleton. f_equal. by rewrite N.land_comm.
(* TODO move setbit, and these lemmas, with BT.testbit. *)
Section BT_to_bit_inj.
Context`{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Hinj".
Lemma of_bits_setbit x xs :
of_bits (BT.setbit x xs) = {[x]} ∪ of_bits xs.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_to_bits rs :
of_bits (to_bits rs) = rs.
induction rs as [|x xs Hni IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite to_bits_empty of_bits_0. }
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton -BT.setbit_is_alt.
by rewrite of_bits_setbit IHxs.
Lemma of_bits_singleton x : {[x]} = of_bits $ BT.to_bitmask x.
rewrite -[ {[_]} ]of_to_bits.
by f_equal; apply: to_bits_singleton.
#[global] Instance of_to_bits_cancel : Cancel eq of_bits to_bits :=
#[global] Instance to_bits_inj : Inj eq eq to_bits := cancel_inj.
#[global] Instance of_bits_surj : Surj eq of_bits := cancel_surj.
End BT_to_bit_inj.
Definition masked (mask : N) (x : t) : t :=
x ∩ of_bits mask.
Definition masked_opt (mask : N) (x : t) : option t :=
let res := masked mask x in
guard (res <> ∅);; Some res.
Lemma masked_0 rights : masked 0 rights = ∅.
Proof. by rewrite /masked of_bits_0 right_absorb_L. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_0 rights : masked_opt 0 rights = None.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_0. Qed.
Lemma masked_empty n : masked n ∅ = ∅.
Proof. rewrite /masked. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_empty n : masked_opt n ∅ = None.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_empty. Qed.
(* Warning: prefer BT.all_bits if available, that's simpler to reason about. *)
Definition mask_top : N := to_bits ⊤.
Lemma masked_top `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} rights :
masked mask_top rights = rights.
Proof. rewrite /masked /mask_top of_to_bits. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_top `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit}
rights (Hrights : rights ≠ ∅) :
masked_opt mask_top rights = Some rights.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_top option_guard_True. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_masked mask r rs :
r ∈ rs → r ∈ of_bits mask → r ∈ masked mask rs.
Proof. intros. exact /elem_of_intersection. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits rs i :
N.testbit (to_bits rs) i =
bool_decide (∃ r, BT.to_bit r = i ∧ r ∈ rs).
induction rs as [|r rs Hni IHrs] using set_ind_L. {
rewrite to_bits_empty N.bits_0 bool_decide_eq_false_2 //.
set_solver. }
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton N.lor_spec (comm_L orb).
rewrite {}IHrs.
case: (bool_decide_reflect (∃ r, _ ∧ r ∈ rs)) => Hdec /=. {
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //. set_solver.
rewrite BT.to_bitmask_setbit.
rewrite N_setbit_bool_decide N.bits_0 right_id_L.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit i :
N.testbit mask_top i = bool_decide (∃ r : BT.t, BT.to_bit r = i).
rewrite /mask_top /to_bits N_testbit_to_bits.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma to_of_bits `{!Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} mask :
to_bits (of_bits mask) = mask_top mask.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N.land_spec N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit N_testbit_to_bits.
rewrite -(bool_decide_Is_true (N.testbit _ _)) -bool_decide_and /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : to_bits rs `land` BT.to_bitmask r <> 0%N) :
r ∈ rs.
rewrite -to_bits_singleton -to_bits_intersection in X.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (r ∈ rs)) => //.
have H: rs ∩ {[r]} = ∅ by set_solver.
by rewrite H to_bits_empty in X.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_ne `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : to_bits rs `land` BT.to_bitmask r = 0%N) :
r ∉ rs.
rewrite -to_bits_singleton -to_bits_intersection -to_bits_empty in X.
by apply to_bits_inj in X; set_solver.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_Z `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : (Z.of_N (to_bits rs) `land` BT.to_bitmask r)%Z <> 0%Z) :
r ∈ rs.
rewrite N2Z_land in X; apply to_bits_inv_singleton.
by move => Y; apply: X; rewrite Y.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_ne_Z `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : (Z.of_N (to_bits rs) `land` BT.to_bitmask r)%Z = 0%Z) :
r ∉ rs.
Proof. rewrite N2Z_land in X; apply to_bits_inv_singleton_ne; lia. Qed.
End finite_bits_aux.
Module Type simple_finite_bits_aux (BT : simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include finite_bits_aux BT.
Lemma of_bits_max : of_bits BT.all_bits = ⊤.
Proof. by rewrite /of_bits BT.to_list_max. Qed.
Lemma masked_max rights :
masked BT.all_bits rights = rights.
Proof. rewrite /masked of_bits_max. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_max rights (Hrights : rights ≠ ∅) :
masked_opt BT.all_bits rights = Some rights.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_max option_guard_True. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_all_bits i :
N.testbit BT.all_bits i = bool_decide (i < card_N BT.t).
Proof. apply N_ones_spec. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits' rs i :
N.testbit (to_bits rs) i =
bool_decide (∃ r, BT.of_bit i = Some r ∧ r ∈ rs).
rewrite N_testbit_to_bits; apply bool_decide_ext.
split; intros (r & Heq & Hin); exists r; subst.
{ split; [|done]. exact: BT.of_to_bit. }
by rewrite (BT.to_of_bit _ _ Heq).
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits_high_false i X :
card_N BT.t ≤ i →
N.testbit (to_bits X) i = false.
intros Hi. induction X as [|x X _] using set_ind_L; first done.
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton -BT.setbit_is_alt /BT.setbit.
rewrite (N.setbit_neq _ (BT.to_bit x) i) -?{}IHX //.
apply /N.lt_neq /(N.lt_le_trans _ (card_N BT.t)) /Hi.
exact /BT.to_bit_lt_card_N.
Lemma to_bits_mod_pow2 X m :
card_N BT.t ≤ m →
to_bits X `mod` 2 ^ m = to_bits X.
intros Hm. apply N_ext_iff => i.
case: (N.lt_ge_cases i m) => Hi; first by rewrite N.mod_pow2_bits_low.
rewrite !N.mod_pow2_bits_high // N_testbit_to_bits_high_false //; lia.
Lemma N_testbit_mask_top_of_bit i :
N.testbit mask_top i = bool_decide (is_Some (BT.of_bit i)).
rewrite N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma all_bits_mask_top : BT.all_bits = mask_top.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N_testbit_all_bits N_testbit_mask_top_of_bit /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext.
split. {
intros (x & Hdec & Henc)%encode_decode_N.
by exists x; apply Hdec.
by intros (x & Hdec%finite_decode_N_lt).
Lemma mask_top_land_to_bits x :
mask_top `land` to_bits x = to_bits x.
Proof. by rewrite -to_bits_intersection left_id_L. Qed.
Lemma land_mask_idemp {mask_n r} :
mask_n = mask_top `land` mask_n →
(* ^^ Check all mask bits are valid! *)
of_bits mask_n ⊆ r →
(* ^^ Check mask_n is included in r *)
mask_n = (to_bits r `land` mask_n)%N.
move=> E Hs. rewrite {}E -(to_of_bits mask_n) -to_bits_intersection.
by rewrite (comm_L _ r) subseteq_intersection_1_L.
End simple_finite_bits_aux.
(* Lift finite_bits_aux and simple_finite_bits_aux to a module, usable for application. *)
Module finite_bits (BT : finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include finite_bits_aux BT.
End finite_bits.
Module simple_finite_bits (BT : simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include simple_finite_bits_aux BT.
End simple_finite_bits.
to_bits ({[x]} ∪ xs) = N.lor (BT.to_bitmask x) (to_bits xs).
destruct (decide (x ∈ xs)). 2: exact: to_bits_union_singleton_aux.
rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; [|set_solver].
by rewrite -BT.setbit_is_alt setbit_in_idemp.
Lemma to_bits_union xs ys :
to_bits (xs ∪ ys) = N.lor (to_bits xs) (to_bits ys).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L. { by rewrite to_bits_empty !left_id_L. }
by rewrite -(assoc_L _ {[x]}) !to_bits_union_singleton IHxs assoc_L.
Lemma to_bitmask_land_neq `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} x y (N : x <> y) :
BT.to_bitmask x `land` BT.to_bitmask y = 0.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i; rewrite N.land_spec N.bits_0.
have X: BT.to_bit x <> BT.to_bit y by move/INJ.
rewrite 2!BT.to_bitmask_setbit.
move: X; move: (BT.to_bit x); move: (BT.to_bit y) => a b X.
rewrite 2!N.setbit_eqb !N_eqb_bool_decide.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (b = i)); destruct (bool_decide_reflect (a = i)) => //=.
subst; contradiction.
Lemma to_bits_intersection_singleton `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} xs y :
to_bits (xs ∩ {[y]}) = (to_bits xs) (to_bits {[y]}).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite intersection_empty_l_L to_bits_empty N.land_0_l. }
rewrite intersection_comm_L intersection_union_l_L 2!to_bits_union.
rewrite [_ ∩ X]intersection_comm_L IHxs N.land_lor_distr_l.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (y = x)).
{ subst x. rewrite intersection_singletons_L. f_equal. by rewrite N.land_diag. }
have ->: ({[y]} : t) ∩ {[x]} = ∅ by set_solver.
rewrite 2!to_bits_singleton to_bits_empty to_bitmask_land_neq; last by [].
by [].
Lemma to_bits_intersection `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} xs ys :
to_bits (xs ∩ ys) = (to_bits xs) (to_bits ys).
induction xs as [|??? IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite intersection_empty_l_L to_bits_empty N.land_0_l. }
rewrite intersection_comm_L intersection_union_l_L 2!to_bits_union.
rewrite [_ ∩ X]intersection_comm_L IHxs N.land_lor_distr_l.
rewrite to_bits_intersection_singleton. f_equal. by rewrite N.land_comm.
(* TODO move setbit, and these lemmas, with BT.testbit. *)
Section BT_to_bit_inj.
Context`{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Hinj".
Lemma of_bits_setbit x xs :
of_bits (BT.setbit x xs) = {[x]} ∪ of_bits xs.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma of_to_bits rs :
of_bits (to_bits rs) = rs.
induction rs as [|x xs Hni IHxs] using set_ind_L.
{ by rewrite to_bits_empty of_bits_0. }
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton -BT.setbit_is_alt.
by rewrite of_bits_setbit IHxs.
Lemma of_bits_singleton x : {[x]} = of_bits $ BT.to_bitmask x.
rewrite -[ {[_]} ]of_to_bits.
by f_equal; apply: to_bits_singleton.
#[global] Instance of_to_bits_cancel : Cancel eq of_bits to_bits :=
#[global] Instance to_bits_inj : Inj eq eq to_bits := cancel_inj.
#[global] Instance of_bits_surj : Surj eq of_bits := cancel_surj.
End BT_to_bit_inj.
Definition masked (mask : N) (x : t) : t :=
x ∩ of_bits mask.
Definition masked_opt (mask : N) (x : t) : option t :=
let res := masked mask x in
guard (res <> ∅);; Some res.
Lemma masked_0 rights : masked 0 rights = ∅.
Proof. by rewrite /masked of_bits_0 right_absorb_L. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_0 rights : masked_opt 0 rights = None.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_0. Qed.
Lemma masked_empty n : masked n ∅ = ∅.
Proof. rewrite /masked. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_empty n : masked_opt n ∅ = None.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_empty. Qed.
(* Warning: prefer BT.all_bits if available, that's simpler to reason about. *)
Definition mask_top : N := to_bits ⊤.
Lemma masked_top `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} rights :
masked mask_top rights = rights.
Proof. rewrite /masked /mask_top of_to_bits. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_top `{Hinj : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit}
rights (Hrights : rights ≠ ∅) :
masked_opt mask_top rights = Some rights.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_top option_guard_True. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_masked mask r rs :
r ∈ rs → r ∈ of_bits mask → r ∈ masked mask rs.
Proof. intros. exact /elem_of_intersection. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits rs i :
N.testbit (to_bits rs) i =
bool_decide (∃ r, BT.to_bit r = i ∧ r ∈ rs).
induction rs as [|r rs Hni IHrs] using set_ind_L. {
rewrite to_bits_empty N.bits_0 bool_decide_eq_false_2 //.
set_solver. }
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton N.lor_spec (comm_L orb).
rewrite {}IHrs.
case: (bool_decide_reflect (∃ r, _ ∧ r ∈ rs)) => Hdec /=. {
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //. set_solver.
rewrite BT.to_bitmask_setbit.
rewrite N_setbit_bool_decide N.bits_0 right_id_L.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit i :
N.testbit mask_top i = bool_decide (∃ r : BT.t, BT.to_bit r = i).
rewrite /mask_top /to_bits N_testbit_to_bits.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma to_of_bits `{!Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} mask :
to_bits (of_bits mask) = mask_top mask.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N.land_spec N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit N_testbit_to_bits.
rewrite -(bool_decide_Is_true (N.testbit _ _)) -bool_decide_and /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : to_bits rs `land` BT.to_bitmask r <> 0%N) :
r ∈ rs.
rewrite -to_bits_singleton -to_bits_intersection in X.
destruct (bool_decide_reflect (r ∈ rs)) => //.
have H: rs ∩ {[r]} = ∅ by set_solver.
by rewrite H to_bits_empty in X.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_ne `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : to_bits rs `land` BT.to_bitmask r = 0%N) :
r ∉ rs.
rewrite -to_bits_singleton -to_bits_intersection -to_bits_empty in X.
by apply to_bits_inj in X; set_solver.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_Z `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : (Z.of_N (to_bits rs) `land` BT.to_bitmask r)%Z <> 0%Z) :
r ∈ rs.
rewrite N2Z_land in X; apply to_bits_inv_singleton.
by move => Y; apply: X; rewrite Y.
Lemma to_bits_inv_singleton_ne_Z `{INJ : !Inj eq eq BT.to_bit} r rs
(X : (Z.of_N (to_bits rs) `land` BT.to_bitmask r)%Z = 0%Z) :
r ∉ rs.
Proof. rewrite N2Z_land in X; apply to_bits_inv_singleton_ne; lia. Qed.
End finite_bits_aux.
Module Type simple_finite_bits_aux (BT : simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include finite_bits_aux BT.
Lemma of_bits_max : of_bits BT.all_bits = ⊤.
Proof. by rewrite /of_bits BT.to_list_max. Qed.
Lemma masked_max rights :
masked BT.all_bits rights = rights.
Proof. rewrite /masked of_bits_max. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma masked_opt_max rights (Hrights : rights ≠ ∅) :
masked_opt BT.all_bits rights = Some rights.
Proof. by rewrite /masked_opt masked_max option_guard_True. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_all_bits i :
N.testbit BT.all_bits i = bool_decide (i < card_N BT.t).
Proof. apply N_ones_spec. Qed.
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits' rs i :
N.testbit (to_bits rs) i =
bool_decide (∃ r, BT.of_bit i = Some r ∧ r ∈ rs).
rewrite N_testbit_to_bits; apply bool_decide_ext.
split; intros (r & Heq & Hin); exists r; subst.
{ split; [|done]. exact: BT.of_to_bit. }
by rewrite (BT.to_of_bit _ _ Heq).
Lemma N_testbit_to_bits_high_false i X :
card_N BT.t ≤ i →
N.testbit (to_bits X) i = false.
intros Hi. induction X as [|x X _] using set_ind_L; first done.
rewrite to_bits_union_singleton -BT.setbit_is_alt /BT.setbit.
rewrite (N.setbit_neq _ (BT.to_bit x) i) -?{}IHX //.
apply /N.lt_neq /(N.lt_le_trans _ (card_N BT.t)) /Hi.
exact /BT.to_bit_lt_card_N.
Lemma to_bits_mod_pow2 X m :
card_N BT.t ≤ m →
to_bits X `mod` 2 ^ m = to_bits X.
intros Hm. apply N_ext_iff => i.
case: (N.lt_ge_cases i m) => Hi; first by rewrite N.mod_pow2_bits_low.
rewrite !N.mod_pow2_bits_high // N_testbit_to_bits_high_false //; lia.
Lemma N_testbit_mask_top_of_bit i :
N.testbit mask_top i = bool_decide (is_Some (BT.of_bit i)).
rewrite N_testbit_mask_top_to_bit /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext. set_solver.
Lemma all_bits_mask_top : BT.all_bits = mask_top.
apply N.bits_inj_iff => i.
rewrite N_testbit_all_bits N_testbit_mask_top_of_bit /is_Some.
apply bool_decide_ext.
split. {
intros (x & Hdec & Henc)%encode_decode_N.
by exists x; apply Hdec.
by intros (x & Hdec%finite_decode_N_lt).
Lemma mask_top_land_to_bits x :
mask_top `land` to_bits x = to_bits x.
Proof. by rewrite -to_bits_intersection left_id_L. Qed.
Lemma land_mask_idemp {mask_n r} :
mask_n = mask_top `land` mask_n →
(* ^^ Check all mask bits are valid! *)
of_bits mask_n ⊆ r →
(* ^^ Check mask_n is included in r *)
mask_n = (to_bits r `land` mask_n)%N.
move=> E Hs. rewrite {}E -(to_of_bits mask_n) -to_bits_intersection.
by rewrite (comm_L _ r) subseteq_intersection_1_L.
End simple_finite_bits_aux.
(* Lift finite_bits_aux and simple_finite_bits_aux to a module, usable for application. *)
Module finite_bits (BT : finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include finite_bits_aux BT.
End finite_bits.
Module simple_finite_bits (BT : simple_finite_bitmask_type_intf).
Include simple_finite_bits_aux BT.
End simple_finite_bits.