* Copyright (c) 2020-23 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.operator.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
* Copyright (c) 2020-23 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.operator.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
Architecture independent character values
To unify the *value* representation of characters, we store characters
in an architecture-independent way as unsigned integers (using N).
Effectively, this is like storing values of type `char` as if they were
`unsigned char` and re-interpreting the bits as `signed char` before
performing operations on them. Note that because this is a logical-only
conversion, it does not require a boundedness check, i.e. for 8-bit
characters, 255 should mean -1 on a signed platform *regardless* of the
C++ language version.
The conversion from this representation to its integral representation
is typed *on both sides* meaning that you need both the source and the
target type information in order to perfom the conversion.
The low-level conversion functions are included here to fully document
the representation. conv_int abstracts these details for use in the
rest of the semantics.
Definition to_char (from_sz : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N) (*to_sgn : signed*) (v : Z) : N :=
Z.to_N $ v `mod` 2^to_bits.
Definition of_char (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N) (to_sgn : signed) (n : N) : Z :=
(* first we need to sign extend using frm_sgn *)
let n : Z :=
if from_sgn is Signed then
if bool_decide (n < 2^(from_bits-1)) then n else to_signed_bits from_bits n
else n in
if to_sgn is Signed then to_signed_bits to_bits n else to_unsigned_bits to_bits n.
(* suppose that you are in an architecture with unsigned characters
and you wrote (128)
Module Type CHAR_TESTS.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 32 Signed 1 = 1. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 32 Signed 128 = -128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 32 Signed 127 = 127. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 16 Unsigned 128 = 65408. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 32 Signed 8 Signed 256 = 0. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 32 Signed 8 Signed 128 = -128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 32 Signed 16 Signed 128 = 128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 16 Signed 8 Unsigned 128 = 128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
(* Other tests *)
Goal of_char 8 Signed 8 Unsigned 128 = 128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 16 Signed 8 Unsigned 128 = 128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 8 Signed 128 = -128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 8 Signed 129 = -127. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 16 Signed 8 Signed 128 = -128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 16 Signed 8 Signed 129 = -127. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Unsigned 8 Signed 129 = -127. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 16 Unsigned 8 Signed 129 = -127. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Unsigned 8 Signed 128 = -128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Unsigned 16 Signed 128 = 128. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 4 Signed 8 Unsigned 8 = 248. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal to_char 8 Unsigned 4 248 = 8%N. Proof. by rewrite to_char.unlock. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 16 Signed 129 = -127%N. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock; compute. Qed.
Goal to_char 16 Signed 8 (-127)%Z = 129%N. Proof. by rewrite to_char.unlock; compute. Qed.
Goal of_char 8 Signed 4 Signed 17 = 1%N. Proof. by rewrite of_char.unlock; compute. Qed.
Lemma of_char_spec_low (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed)
(to_bits : N) (to_sgn : signed) (v : N) :
(from_bits ≤ to_bits)%Z
-> (0 <= v < 2 ^ (from_bits - 1))%Z
-> of_char from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v = v.
move=>Ho [Hlb Hub].
have Hsz : (v < 2 ^ (to_bits - 1))%Z.
{ apply: Z.lt_le_trans; first done.
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia. }
have Hop : (2 ^ (from_bits - 1) ≤ 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
rewrite of_char.unlock.
case Hs: from_sgn.
- case: bool_decide_reflect; last by done.
case: to_sgn=>?; first by apply: to_signed_bits_id.
by rewrite /trim Z.mod_small; lia.
- case: to_sgn; first by apply: to_signed_bits_id; lia.
by rewrite /= /trim Z.mod_small //; lia.
Definition of_char_specf from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn (v : Z) : Z :=
match to_sgn with
| Signed => match from_sgn with
| Signed => (v - 2 ^ from_bits)%Z
| Unsigned =>
if bool_decide (from_bits = to_bits) then
(v - 2 ^ from_bits)%Z else v
| Unsigned => match from_sgn with
| Signed => (v - 2 ^ from_bits + 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
| Unsigned => v
Lemma of_char_spec_high (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N) (to_sgn : signed) (v : N) :
(0 < from_bits)%Z
-> (from_bits ≤ to_bits)%Z
-> (2 ^ (from_bits - 1) <= v < 2 ^ from_bits)%Z
-> of_char from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v =
of_char_specf from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v.
move=>Hbits Ho; rewrite of_char.unlock /of_char_specf.
case Hfs: from_sgn.
- case: bool_decide_reflect; first by lia.
move=>? [??]; case Htf: to_sgn.
+ rewrite [to_signed_bits _ v]to_signed_bits_spec_high;
try by [ lia | case: (from)].
rewrite to_signed_bits_spec_low //; split.
* rewrite -Z.le_add_le_sub_l.
apply: Z.le_trans; last done.
rewrite Z.le_add_le_sub_r Z.sub_opp_r -Z.le_sub_le_add_l.
rewrite Z_pow2_half; last lia.
rewrite Z.add_simpl_r; apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
* rewrite Z.lt_sub_lt_add_l.
apply: Z.lt_le_trans; first done.
by lia.
+ rewrite to_signed_bits_spec_high; try by [| lia].
rewrite /trim Z_mod_big //; split; last lia.
rewrite -Z.le_add_le_sub_l; apply: Z.le_trans; last done.
rewrite Z_pow2_half; last lia.
rewrite -Z.add_assoc Z.le_add_le_sub_l.
apply: Zplus_le_compat_l; rewrite -Z.opp_le_mono;
apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
- move: Ho=>/Zle_lt_or_eq[Hlt[??]/=|].
+ case: to_sgn.
* rewrite to_signed_bits_spec_low.
case: bool_decide_reflect Hlt; by [lia |].
split; first by apply: Z.le_trans; by [| lia].
apply: Z.lt_le_trans; first by done.
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
* rewrite /trim Z.mod_small //.
split; first by lia.
apply: Z.lt_le_trans; first done.
apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
+ move=>Heq; rewrite Heq. move=>[??].
case: to_sgn; last
by rewrite /trim Z.mod_small //; lia.
case: bool_decide_reflect Heq Hbits=>???; last done.
rewrite to_signed_bits_spec_high; lia.
Lemma to_char_spec_low (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N) (v : Z) :
(0 <= v < 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
-> to_char from_bits from_sgn to_bits v = Z.to_N v.
rewrite to_char.unlock.
intros. by rewrite Z.mod_small.
Lemma to_char_spec_high (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N) (to_sgn : signed) (v : Z) :
(from_bits ≤ to_bits)%Z
-> (2 ^ (from_bits - 1) <= v < 2 ^ from_bits)%Z
-> to_char to_bits to_sgn from_bits
(of_char_specf from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v) = (Z.to_N v).
move=>Ho [Hlb Hub].
have Hpow: (2 ^ from_bits <= 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono.
have Hlt: (v < 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
by apply: Z.lt_le_trans.
rewrite to_char.unlock // /trim /of_char_specf.
case Hts: to_sgn.
+ case: from_sgn; first
by rewrite Z_mod_big; lia.
case: bool_decide_reflect; first
by move=>->; rewrite Z_mod_big; lia.
by rewrite Z.mod_small; lia.
case Hfs: from_sgn; last
by rewrite Z.mod_small; lia.
rewrite Zplus_mod.
have->: (2 ^ to_bits `mod` 2 ^ from_bits = 0).
{ have ->:(Z.of_N to_bits = to_bits - from_bits + from_bits)%Z by lia.
rewrite Z.pow_add_r; try lia.
apply: Z.mod_mul; lia. }
rewrite Z.add_0_r Z.mod_mod; last lia.
by rewrite Z_mod_big; lia.
Lemma of_char_to_char (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N)
(to_sgn : signed) (v : N) :
(0 < from_bits)%Z
-> (from_bits ≤ to_bits)%Z
-> (0 <= v < 2 ^ from_bits)%Z
-> to_char to_bits to_sgn from_bits
(of_char from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v) = v.
move=>H0 Ho [Hlb Hub].
case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v (2 ^ (from_bits - 1))%Z)=>[?|?].
- by rewrite of_char_spec_low // to_char_spec_low; lia.
- by rewrite of_char_spec_high // to_char_spec_high //
Lemma of_char_trim (from_bits to_bits : N) (v : Z) :
(to_bits <> 0%N)
-> (to_bits <= from_bits)%Z
-> (2 ^ (from_bits) - 2 ^ (to_bits - 1) ≤ v < 2 ^ from_bits)
-> of_char to_bits Signed from_bits Unsigned (Z.to_N (trim to_bits v)) = v.
move=>Hne Ho.
move: (Z.mod_pos_bound v (2 ^ to_bits) ltac:(lia))=>[??].
rewrite of_char.unlock /trim /to_signed_bits (bool_decide_false _ Hne).
rewrite; last lia.
rewrite Z.mod_mod //; last lia.
rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full (2^from_bits) (2 ^ to_bits)).
set a := (2 ^ from_bits `div` 2 ^ to_bits).
set b := (2 ^ to_bits).
set b_2 := (2 ^ (to_bits - 1)).
have->: (2 ^ from_bits `mod` b = 0).
{ rewrite /b.
have ->:(Z.of_N from_bits = from_bits - to_bits + to_bits)%Z by lia.
rewrite Z.pow_add_r; try lia.
apply: Z.mod_mul; lia. }
rewrite Z.add_0_r.
have Hb2: b_2 < b by apply: Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.
move=>[Hlb Hub].
have Heq: (v `div` b = a - 1) by apply: Z_rem_dev_eq; lia.
case: bool_decide_reflect=>[?|].
- move: Hlb.
rewrite {1}(Z_div_mod_eq_full v b) Heq.
have {1 2}-> : b = b_2 + b_2; last by lia.
by apply: Z_pow2_half; lia.
- have Hpow: (2 ^ Z.of_N to_bits ≤ 2 ^ Z.of_N from_bits)
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia.
have Hq: 1 <= (2 ^ Z.of_N from_bits `div` 2 ^ Z.of_N to_bits)
by apply: Z.div_le_lower_bound; lia.
have Hba: b ≤ b * a
by rewrite {1}(_ : b = b * 1); [apply Z.mul_le_mono_pos_l|]; lia.
move: (Z.mod_pos_bound v b ltac:(lia))=>[??].
move=>/Znot_lt_ge Hge; rewrite (bool_decide_true _ Hge).
rewrite {2}(Z_div_mod_eq_full v b) Heq Z_mod_big; lia.
(* architecture-dependent domain where to_char is left inverse of of_char *)
Definition to_char_domP (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) to_bits to_sgn (v : Z) : Prop :=
match to_sgn with
| Signed => match from_sgn with
| Signed => (- 2 ^ (to_bits - 1) <= v < 2 ^ (to_bits - 1))%Z
| Unsigned => (2 ^ (from_bits) - 2 ^ (to_bits - 1) ≤ v < 2 ^ from_bits)
| Unsigned => match from_sgn with
| Signed =>
if bool_decide (to_bits = from_bits) then
(- 2 ^ (to_bits - 1) <= v < 2 ^ (to_bits - 1))%Z
(0 <= v < 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
| Unsigned => (0 <= v < 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
Lemma to_char_of_char (from_bits : N) (from_sgn : signed) (to_bits : N)
(to_sgn : signed) (v : Z) :
(0 < to_bits)%Z
-> (to_bits ≤ from_bits)%Z
-> to_char_domP from_bits from_sgn to_bits to_sgn v
-> of_char to_bits to_sgn from_bits from_sgn
(to_char from_bits from_sgn to_bits v) = v.
move=>H0 Ho.
have H1: (2 ^ (to_bits - 1) < 2 ^ to_bits)%Z
by apply: Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.
have H2: (2 ^ to_bits <= 2 ^ from_bits)%Z
by apply: Z.pow_le_mono.
rewrite to_char.unlock //.
case: to_sgn.
- case: from_sgn=>[/=?|[??]].
+ case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v 0)%Z=>[?|?].
rewrite /trim Z_mod_big; last lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_high /=; try lia.
rewrite (Z_pow2_half to_bits); lia.
rewrite /trim Z.mod_small; last lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_low; lia.
case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v ((2 ^ (to_bits - 1)))%Z)=>[?|?].
rewrite /trim Z.mod_small; last lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_low; try lia.
by rewrite of_char_trim; lia.
- case: from_sgn=>[/=|[??]].
+ case: bool_decide_reflect=>[/N2Z.inj Heq [??]|Heq [??]].
* case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v 0)%Z=>[?|?].
rewrite /trim Z_mod_big /=; last lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_high /=; try lia.
case: bool_decide_reflect Heq; lia.
rewrite (Z_pow2_half to_bits); lia.
rewrite /trim Z.mod_small /=; last lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_low; lia.
* rewrite /trim Z.mod_small; last lia.
case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v ((2 ^ (to_bits - 1)))%Z)=>[?|?].
rewrite of_char_spec_low; lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_high /=; try lia.
case: bool_decide_reflect Heq; lia.
+ rewrite /trim Z.mod_small; last lia.
case: (Z.lt_ge_cases v ((2 ^ (to_bits - 1)))%Z)=>[?|?].
rewrite of_char_spec_low; lia.
rewrite of_char_spec_high /=; lia.
Lemma to_char_bounded sz sgn bits z :
(to_char sz sgn bits z < 2^bits)%N.
rewrite to_char.unlock.
generalize (Z_mod_lt z (2^bits)). lia.
Lemma of_char_bounded (from_sz : N) from_sgn (to_sz : N) to_sgn n :
0 < to_sz -> 0< from_sz ->
let min_val : Z := if to_sgn is Signed then -2^(to_sz-1) else 0 in
let max_val : Z := if to_sgn is Signed then 2^(to_sz-1) else 2^to_sz in
min_val <= of_char from_sz from_sgn to_sz to_sgn n < max_val.
rewrite of_char.unlock /to_signed_bits; intros.
assert (2^to_sz = 2 * 2^(to_sz - 1)).
{ have->: Z.of_N to_sz = Z.succ (to_sz - 1) by lia.
rewrite Z.pow_succ_r; try lia. f_equal. f_equal. lia. }
#[local] Ltac saturate :=
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ Z.modulo ?X ?Y ] =>
lazymatch goal with
| H : (0 <= X `mod` Y < Y)%Z |- _ => fail 1
| |- _ => generalize (Z.mod_pos_bound X Y ltac:(lia)); intro
repeat first [ case_bool_decide | case_match ]; rewrite /trim/=; split; try rewrite Zmod_0_l ; saturate; try lia.