
 * Copyright (c) 2020 BedRock Systems, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Semantics of arithmetic and pointer operators: support operators.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.types.

#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.

truncation (used for unsigned operations)
Definition trim (w : N) (v : Z) : Z :=
  v mod (2 ^ Z.of_N w).

trim on N. Not much theory available yet.
Definition trimN (bits : N) (v : N) : N := v `mod` 2^bits.

Lemma trim_0_l:
  forall (v: Z),
    trim 0 v = 0.
Proof. move=> v; by rewrite /trim Z.pow_0_r Z.mod_1_r. Qed.

Lemma trim_0_r:
  forall (w: N),
    trim w 0 = 0.
Proof. move=> w; rewrite /trim Z.mod_0_l; [ | apply Z.pow_nonzero ]; lia. Qed.

Lemma trim_idem w v : trim w (trim w v) = trim w v.
  rewrite /trim.
  by rewrite Zmod_mod.

to_unsigned sz z is used when C++ converts signed values to unsigned values.
"the unique value congruent to z modulo 2^sz where sz is the number of bits in the return type"
Notation to_unsigned_bits := (trim) (only parsing).
Notation to_unsigned a := (to_unsigned_bits (bitsize.bitsN a)) (only parsing).

Definition bitFlipZU len (z : Z) : Z :=
  to_unsigned_bits len (Z.lnot z).

Lemma to_unsigned_bits_id : forall z (bits : N),
    0 <= z < 2 ^ (Z.of_N bits) ->
    to_unsigned_bits bits z = z.
  rewrite /trim.
  intros. rewrite Z.mod_small; auto.

Lemma to_unsigned_id : forall z (sz : bitsize),
    0 <= z < 2^bitsize.bitsZ sz ->
    to_unsigned sz z = z.
Proof. destruct sz; apply to_unsigned_bits_id. Qed.

Lemma to_unsigned_bits_eq : forall z (bits: N),
    to_unsigned_bits bits z = trim bits z.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma to_unsigned_eq : forall z (sz : bitsize),
    to_unsigned sz z = trim (bitsize.bitsN sz) z.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

to_signed sz z is used when C++ converts unsigned values to signed values.
the standard describes it as:
"the value does not change if the source integer can be represented in the destination type. Otherwise the result is,
  • implementation-defined (until C++20)
  • the unique value of the destination type equal to the source value modulo 2^sz where sz is the number of bits used to represent the destination type."
Definition to_signed_bits (bits: N) (z: Z): Z :=
  if bool_decide (bits = 0%N)
  then 0
  else let norm := Z.modulo z (2 ^ (Z.of_N bits)) in
       if bool_decide (norm >= 2 ^ ((Z.of_N bits) - 1))
       then norm - 2 ^ (Z.of_N bits) else norm.
Definition to_signed (sz: bitsize) (z: Z): Z :=
  Unfold to_signed_bits (to_signed_bits (bitsize.bitsN sz) z).

#[local] Transparent bitsize.bitsZ bitsize.bitsN.
Arguments bitsize.bitsZ !_/.
Arguments Z.of_N !_/.
Arguments bitsize.bitsN !_/.

(* lemmas for to_signed and to_unsigned *)
Lemma to_signed_bits_spec_low (to_sz : N) v :
  (- 2 ^ (to_sz - 1) <= v < 2 ^ (to_sz - 1))%Z
   to_signed_bits to_sz v = v.
  rewrite /to_signed_bits.
  case: bool_decide_reflect; first
    by move=>->[]/(Z.le_lt_trans _ _ _)/[apply]/Z.lt_irrefl.

  move=>? [Hlb Hub].

  have Hub': (v < 2 ^ to_sz)%Z.
  { apply: Z.lt_le_trans; first done.
    by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia. }
  have Hlb': (- 2 ^ to_sz <= v)%Z.
  { apply: Z.le_trans; last done.
    rewrite -Z.opp_le_mono.
    by apply: Z.pow_le_mono; lia. }

  case: (Z.le_gt_cases 0 v).
  - move=>?.
    rewrite Zmod_small; last done.
    case: bool_decide_reflect Hub; last done.
    by move=>/Z.ge_le/Z.le_lt_trans/[apply]/Z.lt_irrefl.

  - move=>?.
    rewrite Z_mod_big; last done.
    case: bool_decide_reflect; first by lia.
    move: (Z_mult_div_ge (2 ^ to_sz) 2 ltac:(done))=>/[swap].
    move: (Zplus_le_compat_r _ _ (2 ^ to_sz)%Z Hlb).
    rewrite Z.lt_add_lt_sub_l Z.sub_opp_r.
    rewrite Z.add_diag Z.pow_sub_r //.
    by move=>/Z.lt_le_trans/[apply]/Z.lt_irrefl.
    by case He: (to_sz); lia.

Lemma to_signed_bits_id: forall (z: Z) (bits: N),
    0 <= z < 2 ^ ((Z.of_N bits) - 1) -> to_signed_bits bits z = z.
  by move=>> ?; apply: to_signed_bits_spec_low; lia.

Lemma to_signed_bits_spec_high (to_sz : N) v :
  to_sz <> 0%N
  -> (2 ^ (to_sz - 1) <= v < 2 ^ to_sz)%Z
   to_signed_bits to_sz v = (v - 2 ^ to_sz)%Z.
  rewrite /to_signed_bits.
  case: bool_decide_reflect; first done.
  move=>?? [Hlb Hub].
  have Hsz: (0 <= v)%Z by lia.
  rewrite Zmod_small; last done.
  by case: bool_decide_reflect; lia.

Lemma to_signed_id : forall (z : Z) (n : bitsize),
  0 <= z < 2^(bitsize.bitsZ n - 1) -> to_signed n z = z.
Proof. destruct n; apply to_signed_bits_id. Qed.

Lemma to_signed_bits_neg: forall (z: Z) (bits: N),
    2^((Z.of_N bits) - 1) - 1 < z < 2^(Z.of_N bits) ->
    to_signed_bits bits z = trim bits (z - 2^((Z.of_N bits) - 1)) + - 2^((Z.of_N bits) - 1).
  move=>z bits.
  have [->?|Hne ?]: (bits = 0 \/ bits <> 0)%N by lia.
  { by rewrite /trim Z.mod_1_r. }

  rewrite to_signed_bits_spec_high; try lia.
  rewrite /trim Z.mod_small //; try lia.
  rewrite -Z.add_assoc -Z.opp_add_distr -Z_pow2_half; lia.

Lemma to_signed_neg : forall x (n : bitsize),
    2^(bitsize.bitsZ n - 1) - 1 < x < 2^bitsize.bitsZ n ->
    to_signed n x = trim (bitsize.bitsN n) (x - 2^(bitsize.bitsZ n - 1)) + - 2^(bitsize.bitsZ n - 1).
Proof. move=> x n H; by pose proof (to_signed_bits_neg x (bitsize.bitsN n) H). Qed.

Lemma Z_opp1_mul_lt_ge:
  forall (n m: Z),
    (-n < m)%Z <->
    (-m < n)%Z.
  split; intros.
  - rewrite -(Z.opp_involutive n) -Z.opp_lt_mono; lia.
  - rewrite -(Z.opp_involutive m) -Z.opp_lt_mono; lia.

Lemma Zge_not_lt:
  forall (n m: Z),
    (n >= m)%Z -> not (n < m)%Z.
Proof. lia. Qed.

Lemma to_signed_unsigned_bits_roundtrip:
  forall (bits: N) (v: Z),
    (-2^(Z.of_N bits - 1) <= v)%Z ->
    (v <= 2^(Z.of_N bits - 1) - 1)%Z ->
    to_signed_bits bits (to_unsigned_bits bits v) = v.
  intros bits v Hlower Hupper.
  assert (v < 0 \/ 0 = v \/ 0 < v)%Z as [Hv | [Hv | Hv]] by lia;
    [clear Hupper | subst; clear Hlower Hupper | clear Hlower].
  - rewrite /trim /to_signed_bits Zdiv.Zmod_mod.
    assert (bits = 0 \/ 0 < bits)%N as [Hbits | Hbits] by lia; subst.
    { rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //;
        rewrite Z.pow_neg_r in Hlower; lia. }
    rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last by [lia];
      match goal with
      | |- context[bool_decide ?P] =>
        destruct (bool_decide P) eqn:Heqb
      end=> //.
    + rewrite -(Z.opp_involutive v).
      rewrite Zdiv.Z_mod_nz_opp_full.
      { rewrite Zdiv.Zmod_small; intuition; try lia.
        rewrite Z_opp1_mul_lt_ge.
        eapply Z.lt_le_trans; eauto.
        rewrite -Z.opp_lt_mono.
        eapply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia. }
      rewrite Zdiv.Zmod_eq; first last.
      { rewrite Z.gt_lt_iff; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia. }
      rewrite Z.div_small; intuition; try lia.
      rewrite Z_opp1_mul_lt_ge.
      eapply Z.lt_le_trans; eauto.
      rewrite -Z.opp_lt_mono.
      eapply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.
    + apply bool_decide_eq_false in Heqb.
      exfalso; apply Heqb; clear Heqb.
      replace (v) with (-(-v))%Z by lia.
      rewrite Zdiv.Z_mod_nz_opp_full; first last.
      { rewrite Zdiv.Zmod_small; intuition; try lia.
        rewrite Z_opp1_mul_lt_ge.
        eapply Z.lt_le_trans; eauto.
        rewrite -Z.opp_lt_mono.
        eapply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia. }
      rewrite Zdiv.Zmod_eq; first last.
      { rewrite Z.gt_lt_iff; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia. }
      rewrite Z.div_small; intuition; try lia; first last.
      { rewrite Z_opp1_mul_lt_ge.
        eapply Z.lt_le_trans; eauto.
        rewrite -Z.opp_lt_mono.
        eapply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.
      rewrite Z.mul_0_l Z.sub_0_r.
      rewrite Z.ge_le_iff.
      apply Zorder.Zle_0_minus_le.
      rewrite -Z.sub_add_distr.
      apply Zorder.Zle_minus_le_0.
      assert (-v <= 2^(Z.of_N bits - 1))%Z by lia.
      replace (2^Z.of_N bits)%Z with (2^(Z.of_N bits - 1) + 2^(Z.of_N bits - 1))%Z.
      2: {
        replace (Z.of_N bits)%Z with ((Z.of_N bits - 1) + 1)%Z
          at 3 by lia; rewrite Z.pow_add_r; lia.
      by apply Zorder.Zplus_le_compat_r.
  - assert (bits = 0 \/ 0 < bits)%N as [Hbits | Hbits] by lia; subst.
    + rewrite trim_0_r /to_signed_bits bool_decide_eq_true_2; lia.
    + rewrite trim_0_r to_signed_bits_id; intuition eauto with lia.
  - rewrite /trim /to_signed_bits Zdiv.Zmod_mod.
    assert (bits = 0 \/ 0 < bits)%N as [Hbits | Hbits] by lia; subst.
    { rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //;
        rewrite Z.pow_neg_r in Hupper; lia. }
    rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last by [lia];
      match goal with
      | |- context[bool_decide ?P] =>
        destruct (bool_decide P) eqn:Heqb
      end=> //.
    + apply bool_decide_eq_true in Heqb.
      rewrite Zdiv.Zmod_small in Heqb; intuition; try lia.
      eapply Z.le_lt_trans; eauto.
      match goal with
      | |- (_ < ?r)%Z => replace r with (r - 0)%Z by lia
      apply Z.sub_lt_le_mono; try apply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.
    + apply Zdiv.Zmod_small; intuition; try lia.
      eapply Z.le_lt_trans; eauto.
      match goal with
      | |- (_ < ?r)%Z => replace r with (r - 0)%Z by lia
      apply Z.sub_lt_le_mono; try apply Z.pow_lt_mono_r; lia.

Lemma to_signed_unsigned_roundtrip:
  forall (bits: bitsize) (v: Z),
    (-2^(Z.of_N (bitsize.bitsN bits) - 1) <= v)%Z ->
    (v <= 2^(Z.of_N (bitsize.bitsN bits) - 1) - 1)%Z ->
    to_signed bits (to_unsigned bits v) = v.
  intros; apply (to_signed_unsigned_bits_roundtrip (bitsize.bitsN bits));
    destruct bits; simpl in *; lia.

#[local] Lemma pow2Nm1gt1 {n : N} :
  (0 < n)%N -> 1 <= 2^(Z.of_N n - 1).
  intros Hgt0.
  change 1%Z with (2^0)%Z.
  apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; lia.

Lemma trim_to_signed_bits_agree x n :
  trim n (to_signed_bits n x) = trim n x.
  assert (n = 0 \/ 0 < n)%N as [-> | Hn] by lia.
  - by rewrite /trim /to_signed_bits /= Z.pow_0_r !Z.mod_1_r.
  - have Hgt : 2 ^ Z.of_N n > 0 by apply Z.gt_lt_iff, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia.
    have Hge : 2 ^ Z.of_N n 0 by lia.
    have Hgt' := pow2Nm1gt1 Hn.
    have Hrng := Zdiv.Z_mod_lt x (2^Z.of_N n) Hgt.
    rewrite /trim /to_signed_bits bool_decide_eq_false_2; last by lia.
    case_bool_decide as Hdec; simpl; last by [rewrite Z.mod_mod].
    rewrite -Z.mod_opp_r_nz; try lia.
    rewrite -{1}(Z.opp_involutive x).
    rewrite Z.mod_opp_opp //.
    rewrite (Zdiv.Z_mod_nz_opp_full (_ mod _)) Z.mod_mod //
      Zdiv.Z_mod_nz_opp_full; lia.

Lemma trim_to_signed_agree: forall x sz n,
    bitsize.bitsN sz = n ->
    trim n (to_signed sz x) = trim n x.
  move=> x sz n Hsz; subst.
  by rewrite -(trim_to_signed_bits_agree x (bitsize.bitsN sz)).