* Copyright (c) 2020 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
* Copyright (c) 2020 BedRock Systems, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
only_provable P, written [| P |] , is a variant of ⌜ P ⌝ that, in a
linear logic, cannot "absorb" any resources.
Hence, if A ⊢ B ∗ [| P |] , all resources owned by A are owned by B,
and none are owned by [| P |] .
See also only_provable_equiv.
For an academic reference on the <affine> derived modality and the concept
of "absorbing" propositions, see
"MoSeL: A general, extensible modal framework for interactive proofs in separation logic"
mlock Definition only_provable {PROP : bi} (P : Prop) : PROP :=
(<affine> ⌜P⌝)%I.
#[global] Arguments only_provable {_} _%_type_scope : simpl never, rename.
#[global] Instance: Params (@only_provable) 1 := {}.
Notation "[ | P | ]" := (only_provable P) (format "[ | P | ]").
(* This class carries the assumptions of only_provable_forall_2, but is very ad-hoc. *)
Class BiEmpForallOnlyProvable (PROP : bi) :=
emp_forall_only_provable A φ : (∀ x : A, [| φ x |]) ⊢@{PROP} <affine> (∀ x : A, [| φ x |]).
#[global] Hint Mode BiEmpForallOnlyProvable + : typeclass_instances.
(<affine> ⌜P⌝)%I.
#[global] Arguments only_provable {_} _%_type_scope : simpl never, rename.
#[global] Instance: Params (@only_provable) 1 := {}.
Notation "[ | P | ]" := (only_provable P) (format "[ | P | ]").
(* This class carries the assumptions of only_provable_forall_2, but is very ad-hoc. *)
Class BiEmpForallOnlyProvable (PROP : bi) :=
emp_forall_only_provable A φ : (∀ x : A, [| φ x |]) ⊢@{PROP} <affine> (∀ x : A, [| φ x |]).
#[global] Hint Mode BiEmpForallOnlyProvable + : typeclass_instances.
Properties of only_provable.
Section bi.
Context {PROP : bi} `{PF : BiPureForall PROP}.
Implicit Types P Q : Prop.
Implicit Types p q r : PROP.
#[local] Notation "p ⊢ q" := (p ⊢@{PROP} q) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation "p ⊣⊢ q" := (p ⊣⊢@{PROP} q) (only parsing).
Lemma only_provable_unfold P : [| P |] ⊣⊢ <affine> ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable.unlock. Qed.
Context {PROP : bi} `{PF : BiPureForall PROP}.
Implicit Types P Q : Prop.
Implicit Types p q r : PROP.
#[local] Notation "p ⊢ q" := (p ⊢@{PROP} q) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation "p ⊣⊢ q" := (p ⊣⊢@{PROP} q) (only parsing).
Lemma only_provable_unfold P : [| P |] ⊣⊢ <affine> ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable.unlock. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_equiv P : [| P |] ⊣⊢ emp ∧ ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. apply only_provable_unfold. Qed.
Lemma pure_absorb_only_provable (φ : Prop) : ⌜ φ ⌝ ⊣⊢@{PROP} <absorb> [| φ |].
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistent_absorbingly_affinely. Qed.
Lemma pure_True_only_provable (φ : Prop) : ⌜ φ ⌝ ⊣⊢@{PROP} True ∗ [| φ |].
Proof. apply pure_absorb_only_provable. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_pure φ : [| φ |] ⊢@{PROP} ⌜φ⌝.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. by rewrite bi.affinely_elim. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_ne n :
Proper (iff ==> dist n) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_proper :
Proper (iff ==> (⊣⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_mono' :
Proper (impl ==> (⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_flip_mono :
Proper (flip impl ==> flip (⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_persistent P : Persistent (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_affine P : Affine (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_timeless `{Timeless PROP emp} P :
Timeless (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_plain `{BiPlainly PROP} P :
Plain (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
(* This is provable, but only usable under `BiAffine`, hence misleading. *)
Lemma only_provable_absorbing `{BiAffine PROP} P :
Absorbing (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_mono P Q : (P → Q) → [| P |] ⊢ [| Q |].
Proof. apply only_provable_mono'. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_iff P Q : (P ↔ Q) → [| P |] ⊣⊢ [| Q |].
Proof. apply only_provable_proper. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_intro P p `{!Affine p} : P → p ⊢ [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. intros ?. apply: bi.affinely_intro. exact: bi.pure_intro. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim' P p : (P → True ⊢ p) → [| P |] ⊢ p.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_pure. apply bi.pure_elim'. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim_l P q r : (P → q ⊢ r) → [| P |] ∧ q ⊢ r.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_pure. apply bi.pure_elim_l. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim_r P q r : (P → q ⊢ r) → q ∧ [| P |] ⊢ r.
Proof. rewrite comm. apply only_provable_elim_l. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_emp : [| True |] ⊣⊢ emp.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.affinely_True_emp. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_True P : P → [| P |] ⊣⊢ emp.
Proof. intros. by rewrite -only_provable_emp !only_provable_unfold bi.pure_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_False P : ¬P → [| P |] ⊣⊢ False.
intros. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.pure_False// bi.affinely_False.
Lemma only_provable_True' : [| True |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} emp.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_False' : [| False |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} False.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_False; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_sep P Q : [|P ∧ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∗ [| Q |].
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. apply (anti_symm _); auto. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_and P Q : [|P ∧ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∧ [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold -bi.affinely_and -bi.pure_and. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_or P Q : [|P ∨ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∨ [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold -bi.affinely_or -bi.pure_or. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_impl P Q : [|P → Q|] ⊢ ([| P |] → [| Q |]).
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. auto. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_forall_1 {A} (φ : A → Prop) : [|∀ x, φ x|] ⊢ ∀ x, [|φ x|].
Proof. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. auto. Qed.
Proof. apply only_provable_unfold. Qed.
Lemma pure_absorb_only_provable (φ : Prop) : ⌜ φ ⌝ ⊣⊢@{PROP} <absorb> [| φ |].
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistent_absorbingly_affinely. Qed.
Lemma pure_True_only_provable (φ : Prop) : ⌜ φ ⌝ ⊣⊢@{PROP} True ∗ [| φ |].
Proof. apply pure_absorb_only_provable. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_pure φ : [| φ |] ⊢@{PROP} ⌜φ⌝.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. by rewrite bi.affinely_elim. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_ne n :
Proper (iff ==> dist n) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_proper :
Proper (iff ==> (⊣⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_mono' :
Proper (impl ==> (⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. rewrite only_provable.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_flip_mono :
Proper (flip impl ==> flip (⊢)) (@only_provable PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_persistent P : Persistent (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_affine P : Affine (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_timeless `{Timeless PROP emp} P :
Timeless (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_plain `{BiPlainly PROP} P :
Plain (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
(* This is provable, but only usable under `BiAffine`, hence misleading. *)
Lemma only_provable_absorbing `{BiAffine PROP} P :
Absorbing (PROP:=PROP) [| P |].
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_mono P Q : (P → Q) → [| P |] ⊢ [| Q |].
Proof. apply only_provable_mono'. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_iff P Q : (P ↔ Q) → [| P |] ⊣⊢ [| Q |].
Proof. apply only_provable_proper. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_intro P p `{!Affine p} : P → p ⊢ [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. intros ?. apply: bi.affinely_intro. exact: bi.pure_intro. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim' P p : (P → True ⊢ p) → [| P |] ⊢ p.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_pure. apply bi.pure_elim'. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim_l P q r : (P → q ⊢ r) → [| P |] ∧ q ⊢ r.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_pure. apply bi.pure_elim_l. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_elim_r P q r : (P → q ⊢ r) → q ∧ [| P |] ⊢ r.
Proof. rewrite comm. apply only_provable_elim_l. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_emp : [| True |] ⊣⊢ emp.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.affinely_True_emp. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_True P : P → [| P |] ⊣⊢ emp.
Proof. intros. by rewrite -only_provable_emp !only_provable_unfold bi.pure_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_False P : ¬P → [| P |] ⊣⊢ False.
intros. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.pure_False// bi.affinely_False.
Lemma only_provable_True' : [| True |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} emp.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_False' : [| False |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} False.
Proof. rewrite only_provable_False; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_sep P Q : [|P ∧ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∗ [| Q |].
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. apply (anti_symm _); auto. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_and P Q : [|P ∧ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∧ [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold -bi.affinely_and -bi.pure_and. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_or P Q : [|P ∨ Q|] ⊣⊢ [| P |] ∨ [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold -bi.affinely_or -bi.pure_or. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_impl P Q : [|P → Q|] ⊢ ([| P |] → [| Q |]).
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. auto. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_forall_1 {A} (φ : A → Prop) : [|∀ x, φ x|] ⊢ ∀ x, [|φ x|].
Proof. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. auto. Qed.
Not very useful, but the best we can do in general:
it's unclear how to commute emp ∧ ∀ x : A, P into ∀ x : A, emp ∧ P.
Lemma only_provable_forall_2_gen {A} (φ : A → Prop)
`{Hswap : BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP} :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢@{PROP} [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF.
rewrite emp_forall_only_provable. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold.
iIntros "!% /=". done.
Lemma only_provable_forall_2_inhabited `{Inhabited A} (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢ [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF.
setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. rewrite /bi_affinely. iIntros "Hφ". iSplit; first done.
rewrite bi.pure_forall. iIntros (x). iDestruct ("Hφ" $! x) as "[_ $]".
Lemma only_provable_forall_2 {A} (φ : A → Prop)
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢ [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF. destruct HTC. apply: only_provable_forall_2_gen. apply: only_provable_forall_2_inhabited. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_forall {A} (φ : A → Prop)
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} :
[|∀ x, φ x|] ⊣⊢ ∀ x, [|φ x|].
Proof using PF. apply: anti_symm. apply only_provable_forall_1. apply: only_provable_forall_2. Qed.
#[global] Instance bi_affine_emp_forall_only_provable (HBA : BiAffine PROP) :
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP.
Proof. iIntros (??) "$". Qed.
Lemma only_provable_exist {A} (φ : A → Prop) : [|∃ x, φ x|] ⊣⊢ ∃ x, [|φ x|].
Proof. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. by rewrite bi.pure_exist bi.affinely_exist. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_impl_forall P q : ([| P |] → q) ⊢ (∀ _ : P, emp → q).
Proof. apply bi.forall_intro=>?. by rewrite only_provable_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_alt P : [| P |] ⊣⊢ ∃ _ : P, emp.
rewrite !only_provable_unfold bi.pure_alt bi.affinely_exist.
do 2!f_equiv. exact: bi.affinely_True_emp.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall_1 P q : ([| P |] -∗ q) ⊢ (∀ _ : P, q).
apply bi.forall_intro=>?. by rewrite only_provable_True// left_id.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall_2 P q :
(∀ _ : P, q) ⊢ ([| P |] -∗ q).
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. iIntros "W %HP". iApply ("W" $! HP). Qed.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall P q :
([| P |] -∗ q) ⊣⊢ (∀ _ : P, q).
apply: anti_symm; auto using
only_provable_wand_forall_1, only_provable_wand_forall_2.
Lemma persistently_only_provable P : <pers> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistently_affinely_elim bi.persistently_pure. Qed.
Lemma affinely_only_provable P : <affine> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.affinely_idemp. Qed.
Lemma absorbingly_only_provable P : <absorb> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistent_absorbingly_affinely. Qed.
Lemma intuitionistically_only_provable P : □ [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite /bi_intuitionistically !persistently_only_provable only_provable_unfold. Qed.
Lemma pure_impl_only_provable_wand (φ : Prop) (Q : PROP) :
(⌜ φ ⌝ → Q) ⊣⊢ ([| φ |] -∗ Q).
rewrite -(bi.intuitionistic_intuitionistically [| φ |]).
by rewrite -bi.impl_wand_intuitionistically persistently_only_provable.
#[global] Instance only_provable_True_left_id :
LeftId (≡@{PROP}) [| True |] bi_sep.
Proof. intros P. by rewrite only_provable_emp left_id. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_True_right_id :
RightId (≡@{PROP}) [| True |] bi_sep.
Proof. intros P. by rewrite only_provable_emp right_id. Qed.
End bi.
#[global] Hint Resolve only_provable_intro : core.
(* TODO deduplicate *)
#[local] Instance Objective_proper {I PROP} :
Proper ((≡) ==> (↔)) (@Objective I PROP).
Proof. intros ?? E; repeat (apply forall_proper; intro); by rewrite E. Qed.
Section monpred.
Context {I : biIndex} {PROP : bi}.
#[global] Instance only_provable_objective P : @Objective I PROP [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
Lemma monPred_at_only_provable (i : I) P :
monPred_at [| P |] i ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold monPred_at_affinely monPred_at_pure. Qed.
#[global] Instance monpred_bi_emp_forall_only_provable :
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP ->
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable (monPredI I PROP).
rewrite /BiEmpForallOnlyProvable => HPROP A φ. constructor=> i.
rewrite monPred_at_and monPred_at_emp monPred_at_forall.
setoid_rewrite monPred_at_only_provable.
apply HPROP.
End monpred.
Lemma embed_only_provable `{BiEmbedEmp PROP1 PROP2} (P : Prop) :
embed [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP2} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold embed_affinely embed_pure. Qed.
Section proofmode.
Context {PROP : bi} {PF: BiPureForall PROP}.
`{Hswap : BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP} :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢@{PROP} [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF.
rewrite emp_forall_only_provable. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold.
iIntros "!% /=". done.
Lemma only_provable_forall_2_inhabited `{Inhabited A} (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢ [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF.
setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. rewrite /bi_affinely. iIntros "Hφ". iSplit; first done.
rewrite bi.pure_forall. iIntros (x). iDestruct ("Hφ" $! x) as "[_ $]".
Lemma only_provable_forall_2 {A} (φ : A → Prop)
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} :
(∀ x, [|φ x|]) ⊢ [|∀ x, φ x|].
Proof using PF. destruct HTC. apply: only_provable_forall_2_gen. apply: only_provable_forall_2_inhabited. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_forall {A} (φ : A → Prop)
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} :
[|∀ x, φ x|] ⊣⊢ ∀ x, [|φ x|].
Proof using PF. apply: anti_symm. apply only_provable_forall_1. apply: only_provable_forall_2. Qed.
#[global] Instance bi_affine_emp_forall_only_provable (HBA : BiAffine PROP) :
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP.
Proof. iIntros (??) "$". Qed.
Lemma only_provable_exist {A} (φ : A → Prop) : [|∃ x, φ x|] ⊣⊢ ∃ x, [|φ x|].
Proof. setoid_rewrite only_provable_unfold. by rewrite bi.pure_exist bi.affinely_exist. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_impl_forall P q : ([| P |] → q) ⊢ (∀ _ : P, emp → q).
Proof. apply bi.forall_intro=>?. by rewrite only_provable_True. Qed.
Lemma only_provable_alt P : [| P |] ⊣⊢ ∃ _ : P, emp.
rewrite !only_provable_unfold bi.pure_alt bi.affinely_exist.
do 2!f_equiv. exact: bi.affinely_True_emp.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall_1 P q : ([| P |] -∗ q) ⊢ (∀ _ : P, q).
apply bi.forall_intro=>?. by rewrite only_provable_True// left_id.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall_2 P q :
(∀ _ : P, q) ⊢ ([| P |] -∗ q).
Proof. rewrite !only_provable_unfold. iIntros "W %HP". iApply ("W" $! HP). Qed.
Lemma only_provable_wand_forall P q :
([| P |] -∗ q) ⊣⊢ (∀ _ : P, q).
apply: anti_symm; auto using
only_provable_wand_forall_1, only_provable_wand_forall_2.
Lemma persistently_only_provable P : <pers> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistently_affinely_elim bi.persistently_pure. Qed.
Lemma affinely_only_provable P : <affine> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.affinely_idemp. Qed.
Lemma absorbingly_only_provable P : <absorb> [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} ⌜ P ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold bi.persistent_absorbingly_affinely. Qed.
Lemma intuitionistically_only_provable P : □ [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite /bi_intuitionistically !persistently_only_provable only_provable_unfold. Qed.
Lemma pure_impl_only_provable_wand (φ : Prop) (Q : PROP) :
(⌜ φ ⌝ → Q) ⊣⊢ ([| φ |] -∗ Q).
rewrite -(bi.intuitionistic_intuitionistically [| φ |]).
by rewrite -bi.impl_wand_intuitionistically persistently_only_provable.
#[global] Instance only_provable_True_left_id :
LeftId (≡@{PROP}) [| True |] bi_sep.
Proof. intros P. by rewrite only_provable_emp left_id. Qed.
#[global] Instance only_provable_True_right_id :
RightId (≡@{PROP}) [| True |] bi_sep.
Proof. intros P. by rewrite only_provable_emp right_id. Qed.
End bi.
#[global] Hint Resolve only_provable_intro : core.
(* TODO deduplicate *)
#[local] Instance Objective_proper {I PROP} :
Proper ((≡) ==> (↔)) (@Objective I PROP).
Proof. intros ?? E; repeat (apply forall_proper; intro); by rewrite E. Qed.
Section monpred.
Context {I : biIndex} {PROP : bi}.
#[global] Instance only_provable_objective P : @Objective I PROP [| P |].
Proof. rewrite only_provable_unfold. apply _. Qed.
Lemma monPred_at_only_provable (i : I) P :
monPred_at [| P |] i ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold monPred_at_affinely monPred_at_pure. Qed.
#[global] Instance monpred_bi_emp_forall_only_provable :
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP ->
BiEmpForallOnlyProvable (monPredI I PROP).
rewrite /BiEmpForallOnlyProvable => HPROP A φ. constructor=> i.
rewrite monPred_at_and monPred_at_emp monPred_at_forall.
setoid_rewrite monPred_at_only_provable.
apply HPROP.
End monpred.
Lemma embed_only_provable `{BiEmbedEmp PROP1 PROP2} (P : Prop) :
embed [| P |] ⊣⊢@{PROP2} [| P |].
Proof. by rewrite !only_provable_unfold embed_affinely embed_pure. Qed.
Section proofmode.
Context {PROP : bi} {PF: BiPureForall PROP}.
We don't register instances
*- @FromAffinely PROP [| P |] ⌜P⌝
*- @IntoAbsorbingly PROP ⌜P⌝ [| P |]
*as they would interact poorly with, e.g., iSplit, changing
goals like [| P |] ** Q into subgoals involving bi_pure
rather than only_provable.
#[global] Instance into_pure_only_provable P : @IntoPure PROP [| P |] P.
Proof. apply only_provable_pure. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_pure_only_provable P : @FromPure PROP true [| P |] P.
Proof. by rewrite/FromPure only_provable_unfold. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_wand_only_provable p q (P : Prop) Q :
@IntoWand PROP p q (∀ _ : P, Q) [| P |] Q.
rewrite /IntoWand.
by rewrite !bi.intuitionistically_if_elim -only_provable_wand_forall_2.
#[global] Instance from_and_only_provable P Q :
@FromAnd PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromAnd only_provable_and. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_and_only_provable p P Q :
@IntoAnd PROP p [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoAnd only_provable_and. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_sep_only_provable P Q :
@FromSep PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromSep only_provable_sep. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_sep_only_provable P Q :
@IntoSep PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoSep only_provable_sep. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_or_only_provable P Q :
@FromOr PROP [| P ∨ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromOr only_provable_or. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_or_only_provable P Q :
@IntoOr PROP [| P ∨ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoOr only_provable_or. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_exist_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) :
@FromExist PROP A [| ∃ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]).
Proof. by rewrite/FromExist only_provable_exist. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_exist_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) name :
AsIdentName P name ->
@IntoExist PROP A [| ∃ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]) name.
Proof. by rewrite/IntoExist only_provable_exist. Qed.
(* TODO: avoid backtracking between these two instances by adding a TCOrT;
TCOr does not work because it only takes Props but Inhabited is in Type. *)
#[global] Instance from_forall_only_provable
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} (P : A → Prop) name :
AsIdentName P name ->
@FromForall PROP A [| ∀ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]) name.
Proof using PF.
by rewrite/FromForall only_provable_forall_2.
#[global] Instance into_forall_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) :
@IntoForall PROP A [| ∀ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]).
Proof. by rewrite/IntoForall only_provable_forall_1. Qed.
End proofmode.
Proof. apply only_provable_pure. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_pure_only_provable P : @FromPure PROP true [| P |] P.
Proof. by rewrite/FromPure only_provable_unfold. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_wand_only_provable p q (P : Prop) Q :
@IntoWand PROP p q (∀ _ : P, Q) [| P |] Q.
rewrite /IntoWand.
by rewrite !bi.intuitionistically_if_elim -only_provable_wand_forall_2.
#[global] Instance from_and_only_provable P Q :
@FromAnd PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromAnd only_provable_and. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_and_only_provable p P Q :
@IntoAnd PROP p [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoAnd only_provable_and. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_sep_only_provable P Q :
@FromSep PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromSep only_provable_sep. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_sep_only_provable P Q :
@IntoSep PROP [| P ∧ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoSep only_provable_sep. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_or_only_provable P Q :
@FromOr PROP [| P ∨ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/FromOr only_provable_or. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_or_only_provable P Q :
@IntoOr PROP [| P ∨ Q |] [| P |] [| Q |].
Proof. by rewrite/IntoOr only_provable_or. Qed.
#[global] Instance from_exist_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) :
@FromExist PROP A [| ∃ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]).
Proof. by rewrite/FromExist only_provable_exist. Qed.
#[global] Instance into_exist_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) name :
AsIdentName P name ->
@IntoExist PROP A [| ∃ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]) name.
Proof. by rewrite/IntoExist only_provable_exist. Qed.
(* TODO: avoid backtracking between these two instances by adding a TCOrT;
TCOr does not work because it only takes Props but Inhabited is in Type. *)
#[global] Instance from_forall_only_provable
`{HTC : TCOrT (BiEmpForallOnlyProvable PROP) (Inhabited A)} (P : A → Prop) name :
AsIdentName P name ->
@FromForall PROP A [| ∀ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]) name.
Proof using PF.
by rewrite/FromForall only_provable_forall_2.
#[global] Instance into_forall_only_provable {A} (P : A → Prop) :
@IntoForall PROP A [| ∀ x, P x |] (λ a, [| P a |]).
Proof. by rewrite/IntoForall only_provable_forall_1. Qed.
End proofmode.