 * Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2020
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
 * Some of the following code is derived from code original to the
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Require Export
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Small improvements to atomic updates

We add a few TC instances that are missing from and are not automatically inferred.

Section atomic.
  Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
  Implicit Types (α : TA PROP).
  Implicit Types (β Φ : TA TB PROP).

  Local Existing Instance atomic_update_pre_mono.

  Lemma atomic_update_mask Eo Ed α β Φ :
    atomic_update Eo (EoEd) α β Φ ⊣⊢ E, Eo E atomic_update E (EEd) α β Φ.
    iSplit; last first.
    { iIntros "AU". iApply ("AU" with "[% //]"). }
    rewrite atomic.atomic_update_unseal {2}/atomic.atomic_update_def /=.
    iIntros "AU" (E HE).
    iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coiter _ (λ _, atomic.atomic_update_def Eo (Eo Ed) α β Φ)); last done.
    iIntros "!>" ([]).
    rewrite {1}/atomic.atomic_update_def fixpoint.greatest_fixpoint_unfold.
    rewrite /atomic_update_pre atomic_acc_mask.
    iIntros "AAC". by iApply "AAC".

  Global Instance aacc_proper Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      (≡) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (≡)) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (≡)) ==>
    ) (atomic_acc (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

  Global Instance aacc_mono' Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      (⊢) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (flip (⊢))) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (⊢)) ==>
    ) (atomic_acc (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
    intros α1 α2 P1 P2 HP β1 β2 Φ1 Φ2 . rewrite/atomic_acc.
    repeat f_equiv; by rewrite ? ? ?HP.

  Global Instance aacc_flip_mono' Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      flip (⊢) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (⊢)) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (flip (⊢))) ==>
      flip (⊢)
    ) (atomic_acc (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
  Proof. repeat intro. by rewrite -aacc_mono'. Qed.

  Global Instance aupd_proper Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (≡)) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (≡)) ==>
    ) (atomic_update (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
    rewrite atomic.atomic_update_unseal /atomic.atomic_update_def /atomic_update_pre.

  Global Instance aupd_mono' Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (flip (⊢))) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (⊢)) ==>
    ) (atomic_update (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
    rewrite atomic.atomic_update_unseal /atomic.atomic_update_def /atomic_update_pre.

  Global Instance aupd_flip_mono' Eo Ei :
    Proper (
      pointwise_relation TA (≡) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (⊢)) ==>
      pointwise_relation TA (pointwise_relation TB (flip (⊢))) ==>
      flip (⊢)
    ) (atomic_update (PROP:=PROP) Eo Ei).
  Proof. repeat intro. by rewrite -aupd_mono'. Qed.

End atomic.