Heap types (aka 'runtime types') are the subset of types
that are known at runtime.
Additionally, types such as Tincomplete_array are not runtime
types, they are static approximations of the single runtime type
of arrays, i.e. Tarray.
ness and volatile
ness are reflected
using separation logic principles, qualifiers are not preserved
in runtime types.
Notation Rtype := type (only parsing).
Fixpoint is_Rtype (s : type) : bool :=
match s with
| Tnum _ _
| Tvoid
| Tbool
| Tnullptr
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _ => true
| Tptr t | Tref t | Trv_ref t => is_Rtype t
| Tincomplete_array _
| Tvariable_array _ _ => false
| Tarray t _ => is_Rtype t
| Tfunction _ => true (* more neuanced? *)
| Tnamed _ | Tenum _ => true
| _ => false (* TODO *)
Fixpoint is_Rtype (s : type) : bool :=
match s with
| Tnum _ _
| Tvoid
| Tbool
| Tnullptr
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _ => true
| Tptr t | Tref t | Trv_ref t => is_Rtype t
| Tincomplete_array _
| Tvariable_array _ _ => false
| Tarray t _ => is_Rtype t
| Tfunction _ => true (* more neuanced? *)
| Tnamed _ | Tenum _ => true
| _ => false (* TODO *)