 * Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2021
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 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Set Printing Coercions.

Internal inclusion

Iris lacks the notion of inclusion within the logic: it only has Coq-level inclusion included and includedN, where the former holds at all step indices and the latter holds at a specific step index.
TODO: upstream to Iris.
Definition includedI `{!BiInternalEq PROP} {A : cmra} (a b : A) : PROP :=
  ( c : A, b a c)%I.
#[global] Instance: Params (@includedI) 3 := {}.

Infix "≼" := includedI : bi_scope.
Notation "(≼)" := includedI (only parsing) : bi_scope.

Infix "≼@{ PROP }" := (includedI (PROP:=PROP)) (only parsing, at level 70) : bi_scope.
Notation "(≼@{ PROP } )" := (includedI (PROP:=PROP)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.

Section cmra.
  Context `{!BiInternalEq PROP} {A : cmra}.
  Implicit Types P : PROP.
  Implicit Types a b : A.
  Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).
  Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
  Notation "a ≼ b" := (a ≼@{PROP} b)%I : bi_scope.
  Notation includedI := (includedI (PROP:=PROP) (A:=A)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance includedI_ne : NonExpansive2 includedI.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance includedI_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) includedI.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance includedI_mono : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊢)) includedI.
  Proof. intros ?? HA ?? HB. rewrite /includedI. f_equiv=>c. by rewrite HA HB. Qed.
  #[global] Instance includedI_flip_mono : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) --> (⊢)) includedI.
  Proof. repeat intro. exact: includedI_mono. Qed.

Note: If this winds up being heavily used, it might be nice to switch to includedI a b := <affine> ..., dropping this absorbing instance, adding an affine instance, and weakening the timeless instance to affine BIs. The point is that work doesn't know about aborbing, persistent things. (The definition as it stands is most likely to match upstream theory.)
  #[global] Instance includedI_absorbing a b : Absorbing (a b).
  Proof. apply _. Qed.
  #[global] Instance includedI_persistent a b : Persistent (a b).
  Proof. apply _. Qed.
  #[global] Instance includedI_timeless a b : Discrete b Timeless (a b).
  Proof. apply _. Qed.

  Lemma includedI_unfold a b : a b ⊣⊢ c : A, b a c.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma includedI_trans a b c : a b b c -∗ a c.
    iDestruct 1 as (b') "B". iDestruct 1 as (c') "C". iExists (b' c').
    rewrite assoc. iRewrite "C". by iRewrite "B".

  Lemma discrete_includedI a b : Discrete b a b ⊣⊢ [! a b !].
    split'; iDestruct 1 as (c) "%".
    - iPureIntro. by exists c.
    - by iExists c.

Proof mode --- it's going to become TC opaque
  #[global] Instance into_exist_includedI a b :
    IntoExist (a b) (λ c, b a c)%I (λ x, x) := _.
  #[global] Instance from_exist_includedI a b :
    FromExist (a b) (λ c, b a c)%I := _.

  #[global] Instance into_pure_includedI a b :
    Discrete b IntoPure (a b) (a b) := _.
  #[global] Instance from_pure_includedI a b :
    FromPure false (a b) (a b) := _.

End cmra.

Section ucmra.
  Context `{!BiInternalEq PROP} {A : ucmra}.
  Implicit Types P : PROP.
  Implicit Types a : A.

  Lemma includedI_refl P a : P a a.
    rewrite (internal_eq_refl P a) /includedI.
    by rewrite -(bi.exist_intro ε) right_id.

  Lemma includedI_True a : a a ⊣⊢@{PROP} True.
  Proof. split'; auto using includedI_refl. Qed.
End ucmra.

#[global] Instance includedI_plain `{!BiInternalEq PROP, !BiPlainly PROP} {A : cmra}
    (a b : A) :
  Plain (a ≼@{PROP} b).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Lemma embed_includedI `{BiEmbedInternalEq PROP1 PROP2} {A : cmra} (a b : A) :
  embed (a b) ⊣⊢@{PROP2} a b.
Proof. rewrite embed_exist. by setoid_rewrite embed_internal_eq. Qed.

#[global] Hint Opaque includedI : br_opacity typeclass_instances.

Help out IPM proofs.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (_ _)) =>
  rewrite environments.envs_entails_unseal; apply includedI_refl : core.