
 * Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2020-2024
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE file in the repository root for details.

 (*** mpred's instance of the Spectra framework *)

Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.

Require Export bedrock.lang.base_logic.lib.spectra.
Require Import bedrock.lang.base_logic.mpred_prop.
Require Import bedrock.lang.base_logic.invariants.

Conversion from Σ-dependent definitions to BI-dependent ones
#[local] Instance ΣG_G `{!cpp_logic ti Σ}
    (cfg : Compose.config) `{!ComposeN.Σ.G Σ cfg}
    : ComposeN.G (PROP:=mpredI) cfg := {|
  ComposeN.inGs := λ n, _ ;

#[global] Instance comp `{!cpp_logic ti Σ} `{!ComposeN.Σ.compose Σ}
    : ComposeN.compose (PROP:=mpredI) := {|
  ComposeN.fam := ComposeN.Σ.fam ;
  ComposeN.ings := ΣG_G _ ;

Definition bi_app `{!cpp_logic ti Σ} (a : App.Σ.app Σ) : :=
  {| App.lts := a.(App.Σ.lts) |}.

#[global] Instance updater_WeaklyObjective `{!cpp_logic ti Σ}
    {app : App.Σ.app Σ} E γ :
  WeaklyObjective (Step.updater (bi_app app) E γ).
Proof. rewrite Step.updater_unseal /Step.updater_def /AuthSet.frag. apply _. Qed.

Section with_mpred.
  Context `{!cpp_logic ti Σ}.
  Context `{compΣ : !ComposeN.Σ.compose Σ}.

  #[global] Instance Decomp_WeaklyObjective γleft γup :
    WeaklyObjective (Decomp_def γleft γup).
  Proof. rewrite /Decomp_def/decomp_aux/AuthSet.auth /AuthSet.frag. apply _. Qed.

  Let inv_alloc_mpred :=
    (λ γ γup N E, inv_alloc N E (Decomp_def γ γup)).

  Definition alloc_decompose :=
    alloc_decompose_bi inv_alloc_mpred.

Top-level theorem for mpred