* Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2021
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import stdpp.sets.
Require Import stdpp.propset.
Require Export iris.algebra.cmra.
Require Export iris.algebra.excl.
Require Export iris.algebra.local_updates.
Require Export iris.algebra.auth.
Require Import iris.base_logic.base_logic.
Require Import bedrock.lang.algebra.restrict.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
* Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2021
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import stdpp.sets.
Require Import stdpp.propset.
Require Export iris.algebra.cmra.
Require Export iris.algebra.excl.
Require Export iris.algebra.local_updates.
Require Export iris.algebra.auth.
Require Import iris.base_logic.base_logic.
Require Import bedrock.lang.algebra.restrict.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
CMRA: Auth/frag splits on sets, with strengthening
AuthSet.frag (s : propset A)
AuthSet.auth (s : propset A)
such that✓ (AuthSet.frag s1 ⋅ AuthSet.auth s2) <-> s1 ⊆ s2; and
AuthSet.frag s ~~> AuthSet.frag s' when s' ⊆ s (removing elements
from a frag set is frame preserving). The CMRA is built using the `restrict.v` framework. This CMRA is used in ``lang/base_logic/lib/auth_set.v``.Canonical Structure propsetO (A : Type) : ofe := discreteO (propset A).
Notation _auth_setT A :=
(prodR (optionR (exclR (propsetO A))) (optionR (exclR (propsetO A))))
(only parsing).
Variant AuthSet : Prop :=.
#[local] Definition auth_set' (A : Type) :=
wrapper AuthSet (_auth_setT A).
Notation auth_set A := (Reduce (auth_set' A)) (only parsing).
Section with_Type.
Context `{A : Type, Countable A}.
Implicit Types x y : _auth_setT A.
Definition auth_set_Restrictor x :=
forall s1 s2, fst x ≡ Excl' s1 -> snd x ≡ Excl' s2 -> s1 ⊆ s2.
#[local] Lemma auth_set_cmra_restrict_ne n :
Proper (dist n ==> impl) auth_set_Restrictor.
case => a b; case => c d; case => /=; rewrite -2!discrete_iff => h1 h2.
by move => h3 l1 l; rewrite -h1 -h2 => x y; apply: h3.
#[local] Lemma auth_set_cmra_restrict_op_l n (x y : _auth_setT A) :
✓{n} (x ⋅ y) ->
auth_set_Restrictor (x ⋅ y) → auth_set_Restrictor x.
case: x => a b; case: y => c d /=; case => /= x y h1 l1 l /=.
move => h2 h3; apply: h1; first by move: x; rewrite h2; case: c.
by move: y; rewrite h3; case: d.
#[global] Instance auth_set_Restriction :
Restriction AuthSet (_auth_setT A) :=
Build_Restriction AuthSet (_auth_setT A) auth_set_Restrictor
End with_Type.
Canonical Structure auth_setR (A : Type) :=
restrictR AuthSet (_auth_setT A).
Module AuthSet.
Definition frag_def {A} (s1 : propset A) : auth_set A :=
Wrap (Excl' s1, None).
Definition frag_aux : seal (@frag_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition frag := frag_aux.(unseal).
Definition frag_eq : @frag = _ := frag_aux.(seal_eq).
Arguments frag {_} _.
Definition auth_def {A} (s2 : propset A) : auth_set A :=
Wrap (None, Excl' s2).
Definition auth_aux : seal (@auth_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition auth := auth_aux.(unseal).
Definition auth_eq : @auth = _ := auth_aux.(seal_eq).
Arguments auth {_} _.
End AuthSet.
Lemma auth_set_validN_valid {A} n (x : auth_setR A) : ✓{n} x <-> ✓x.
Proof. by rewrite restrict_validN restrict_valid. Qed.
Lemma auth_set_valid_frag {A} (s1 : propset A) : ✓ AuthSet.frag s1.
rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq restrict_valid; split => //.
move => s1' l /=. do 2 inversion 1.
Lemma auth_set_valid_auth {A} (l : propset A) : ✓ AuthSet.auth l.
rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq restrict_valid; split => //.
move => s1 l' /=. do 2 inversion 1.
Lemma auth_set_auth_excl {A} (s1 s2 : propset A) :
~ ✓ (AuthSet.auth s1 ⋅ AuthSet.auth s2).
rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq restrict_valid => []/=[]/=.
inversion 1; simpl in *.
match goal with H : ✓ (Excl' _ ⋅ Excl' _) |- _ => inversion H end.
Lemma auth_set_frag_excl {A} (s1 s2 : propset A) :
~ ✓ (AuthSet.frag s1 ⋅ AuthSet.frag s2).
rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq restrict_valid => []/=[]/=.
inversion 1; simpl in *.
match goal with H : ✓ (Excl' _ ⋅ Excl' _) |- _ => inversion H end.
Lemma auth_set_valid_frag_auth {A} (s1 s2 : propset A) :
✓ (AuthSet.frag s1 ⋅ AuthSet.auth s2) <-> s1 ⊆ s2.
rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq AuthSet.auth_eq; split.
{ by rewrite restrict_valid; case => /=; case => /= _ _; apply. }
move => h; rewrite restrict_valid; split => // s1' l' /=.
inversion 1. inversion 1. subst. inversion H2; subst. inversion H6; subst.
by rewrite <-H4, <-H5.
Lemma auth_set_update_frag {A} (s' s : propset A) (_ : s' ⊆ s):
AuthSet.frag s ~~> AuthSet.frag s'.
move => n; case => x /=; last by apply: auth_set_valid_frag.
case: x; case => a b; rewrite restrict_validN /=; case.
rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq /=; case: a => //= X Y; split.
{ split => //=; rewrite /op/cmra_op/=; destruct b => //.
rewrite Some_validN.
by rewrite /valid/cmra_valid/=; case: X => /=; case: c Y. }
simpl => x y /=. inversion 1. inversion 1. subst.
have h2: b ≡ Excl' y.
{ clear X Y; case: b H4 H5; last by inversion 1.
move => a; inversion 1; subst. inversion 1; subst. by rewrite H5. }
have H2: s ⊆ y by apply: Y.
inversion H3; subst. rewrite <-H8. clear - H H2. set_solver.
Lemma auth_set_update {A} (s1' l' s1 l : propset A) (_ : s1' ⊆ l') :
AuthSet.frag s1 ⋅ AuthSet.auth l ~~>
AuthSet.frag s1' ⋅ AuthSet.auth l'.
move => n; case => x /=; last first.
{ by rewrite -cmra_discrete_valid_iff auth_set_valid_frag_auth. }
case: x => [][]a b.
rewrite restrict_validN; case.
rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq AuthSet.frag_eq /=; case => /= h1 h2.
have ->: a = None by case: a h1.
have ->: b = None by case: b h2. move => h3.
rewrite /AuthSet.frag_def /AuthSet.auth_def restrict_validN /=.
split => // lx ly /=. inversion 1; subst. inversion 1; subst.
inversion H3; subst.
inversion H5; subst. rewrite -H6 -H7. apply: H.
#[global] Instance frag_proper {A} : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (AuthSet.frag (A:=A)).
move => x y E; rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq/AuthSet.frag_def.
apply: Wrap_Proper; apply: pair_proper; last by [].
apply: Some_proper; apply: Excl_proper; apply: E.
#[global] Instance auth_proper {A} : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (AuthSet.auth (A:=A)).
move => x y E; rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq/AuthSet.auth_def.
apply: Wrap_Proper; apply: pair_proper; first by [].
apply: Some_proper; apply: Excl_proper; apply: E.
#[local] Lemma auth_set_test :
✓ (AuthSet.frag {[ 1%N ]} ⋅ AuthSet.auth ({[ 1%N ]} ∪ {[ 2%N ]})).
rewrite auth_set_valid_frag_auth.
Fail Fail Qed. Abort. (*NOTE: to avoid polluting search, or is [local] enough?*)
AuthSet.frag s ~~> AuthSet.frag s'.
move => n; case => x /=; last by apply: auth_set_valid_frag.
case: x; case => a b; rewrite restrict_validN /=; case.
rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq /=; case: a => //= X Y; split.
{ split => //=; rewrite /op/cmra_op/=; destruct b => //.
rewrite Some_validN.
by rewrite /valid/cmra_valid/=; case: X => /=; case: c Y. }
simpl => x y /=. inversion 1. inversion 1. subst.
have h2: b ≡ Excl' y.
{ clear X Y; case: b H4 H5; last by inversion 1.
move => a; inversion 1; subst. inversion 1; subst. by rewrite H5. }
have H2: s ⊆ y by apply: Y.
inversion H3; subst. rewrite <-H8. clear - H H2. set_solver.
Lemma auth_set_update {A} (s1' l' s1 l : propset A) (_ : s1' ⊆ l') :
AuthSet.frag s1 ⋅ AuthSet.auth l ~~>
AuthSet.frag s1' ⋅ AuthSet.auth l'.
move => n; case => x /=; last first.
{ by rewrite -cmra_discrete_valid_iff auth_set_valid_frag_auth. }
case: x => [][]a b.
rewrite restrict_validN; case.
rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq AuthSet.frag_eq /=; case => /= h1 h2.
have ->: a = None by case: a h1.
have ->: b = None by case: b h2. move => h3.
rewrite /AuthSet.frag_def /AuthSet.auth_def restrict_validN /=.
split => // lx ly /=. inversion 1; subst. inversion 1; subst.
inversion H3; subst.
inversion H5; subst. rewrite -H6 -H7. apply: H.
#[global] Instance frag_proper {A} : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (AuthSet.frag (A:=A)).
move => x y E; rewrite AuthSet.frag_eq/AuthSet.frag_def.
apply: Wrap_Proper; apply: pair_proper; last by [].
apply: Some_proper; apply: Excl_proper; apply: E.
#[global] Instance auth_proper {A} : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (AuthSet.auth (A:=A)).
move => x y E; rewrite AuthSet.auth_eq/AuthSet.auth_def.
apply: Wrap_Proper; apply: pair_proper; first by [].
apply: Some_proper; apply: Excl_proper; apply: E.
#[local] Lemma auth_set_test :
✓ (AuthSet.frag {[ 1%N ]} ⋅ AuthSet.auth ({[ 1%N ]} ∪ {[ 2%N ]})).
rewrite auth_set_valid_frag_auth.
Fail Fail Qed. Abort. (*NOTE: to avoid polluting search, or is [local] enough?*)