BRiCk builds on a significant amount of past work and tools.
The RustBelt Project
Ralf Jung (; Work on RustBelt + experience with clang => a sounding board when we have questions
Robbert Krebbers’ PhD Disseration Formalized a sequential subset of C - CH2O - in coq => where C and C++ overlap we can use his ideas directly; if C and C++ diverge, we can modify/build-on his work.
C++ (and C) Semantics
CompCert Verified compiler for a large subset of real-world C => insight into how we might architect our stack as we consider the (practical) boundaries of our TCB
The Verified Software Toolchain (VST) Building on CompCert in order to provide a framework for specifying and verifying C programs written in the appropriate subset of the language
The Cambridge University REMS Group, especially the Cerberus project
Separation Logic (Iris)
The Iris Project provides the separation logic that we build our program logic on top of.