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(* * Copyright (C) BedRock Systems Inc. 2019 Gregory Malecha * * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License. * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details. *)
Notation"[∗ list] _ ↦ _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∗ list] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∧ list] _ ↦ _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∧ list] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∨ list] _ ↦ _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∨ list] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∗ map] _ ↦ _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∗ map] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in scope
bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∗ set] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in scope
bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation"[∗ mset] _ ∈ _ , _" was already used in
scope bi_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Require Import bedrock.lib.module.
Custom entry cppglobal has been overridden.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.Import primitives.Import _'.Sectionwith_Σ.Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} `{MOD : val_cat_cpp.module ⊧ σ}.DefinitionPR_defq (m : Z) : Rep :=
_field `::P::x` |-> intR q m **
_paddingR q "_Z1P".
Σ:cpp_logic thread_info
MOD:module ⊧ σ
seal PR_def
Σ:cpp_logic thread_info
MOD:module ⊧ σ
seal PR_def
byeexists.Qed.DefinitionPR := PR_aux.(unseal).DefinitionPR_eq : @PR = _ := PR_aux.(seal_eq).Definition_ZN1PC1Ev_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "P::P()") (funthis =>
\post this |-> PR 10
).Definition_ZN1PC1Ei_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "P::P(int)") (funthis =>
\arg{i} "i" (Vint i)
\post this |-> PR 1 i
).Definition_ZN1PC1ERKS__spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "P::P(const P&)") (funthis =>
\arg{p} "p" (Vptr p)
\pre{m q} p |-> PR q m
\post p |-> PR q m ** this |-> PR 1 m
).Definition_ZN1PC1EOKS__spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "P::P(const P&&)") (funthis =>
\arg{p} "p" (Vptr p)
\pre{m q} p |-> PR q m
\post Exists m', p |-> PR q m' ** this |-> PR 1 m
).Definition_ZN1PD0Ev_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "P::~P()") (funthis =>
\pre this |-> anyR (Tnamed "_Z1P") 1
\post emp
).Definition_Z6by_refR1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "by_ref(P&)")
(\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre{q m} x |-> PR q m
\post[Vint m] x |-> PR q m
).Definition_Z6by_val1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "by_val(P)")
(\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre{m} x |-> PR 1 m
\post[Vint m] x |-> PR 1 m
).Definition_Z6by_ptrP1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "by_ptr(P*)")
(\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre{q m} x |-> PR q m
\post[Vint m] x |-> PR q m
).Definition_Z7by_rrefO1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "by_rref(P&&)")
(\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre{q m} x |-> PR q m
\post[Vint m] x |-> PR q m
).Definition_Z7ret_valv_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "ret_val()")
(\post{r}[Vptr r] r |-> PR 11
).Definition_Z7ret_refR1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "ret_ref(P&)")
(\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre{q m} x |-> PR q m
\post[Vptr x] x |-> PR q m
).Definition_Z8ret_rrefR1P_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (mangled "ret_rref(P&)")
(\with m q
\arg{x} "x" (Vptr x)
\pre x |-> PR q m
\post[Vptr x] x |-> PR q m
).Definition_Z4main_spec := [CHECK]
SPECIFY (exact"main")
(\pre emp
\post[Vint 0] emp
).Definitioninternal_spec : mpred :=
_ZN1PC1Ev_spec **
_ZN1PC1Ei_spec **
_ZN1PC1ERKS__spec **
_ZN1PC1EOKS__spec **
_ZN1PD0Ev_spec **
_Z6by_refR1P_spec **
_Z6by_val1P_spec **
_Z6by_ptrP1P_spec **
_Z7by_rrefO1P_spec **
_Z7ret_valv_spec **
_Z7ret_refR1P_spec **
_Z8ret_rrefR1P_spec.Definitionpublic_spec : mpred :=
wp_mfptr emp _Z4main_spec.Endwith_Σ.